“Cute sheep!” Thalia twirled her locks with her index fingers.
“What an interesting question.” Calliope gazed out the window and noted the cedar branches dancing on a steady breeze.
“William Blake said, ‘No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings.’” Nia added. “A poetic version of… You do you and I’ll do me?”
A word from Typist:
Yesterday during my infusion, I drew a sheep and then looked for a quote to go with it. I found many I liked, but the question above is the one I left for my nurses. I hope they are aware of the superpowers they bring to work every day… kindness, care, and love.
I also found these quotes that are interesting to ponder:
I tried counting sheep so I can fall asleep but that got boring, so I started talking to the shepherd instead.
Don’t let mediocre people talk you out of your dreams; lions have little in common with sheep.
Learn well how to think right and then be your own shepherd, otherwise you shall be the unlucky sheep of all sorts of cunning shepherds!
Lots to ponder, Gail. Here's my favorite quote about sheep. (It will appear in my book somewhere.) "If you’re acting like a sheep, do not blame the shepherd.” Papaji (Sri H.W.L. Poonja)
Love it! A local friend raises New Zealand “Backnose Sheep.” All white but for black mugs, ears, and booties. And can’t begin to hold a candle to the sweet face of your sheep!
Their superpower? Their wool grows at a phenomenal rate, and they come with their own Woolite!
Please help me remember to never ask to borrow your wings. Quite certain the fate of Icarus would befall me!
Last, ask your dancer extraordinaire, Tal, to give a listen to “Wooly Bully” by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs from 1965. A fun song and easy to dance to. Why, you may want to cut a rug yourself! 😂 CURE!