As we go through tough times, most of the time we feel that we are alone and that no one understands the pain that we feel. It's part of self pity that we experience as a human. It doesn't make it a bad thing, just a human thing. We know that we have caring people in our life but that doesn't always make it easier. You are feeling what you are feeling and there is nothing wrong with that. Much love to you Gail.

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Thanks Pennie! There is a quote I love... "If you can feel everything, you can do anything." ~Peter Bregman (Emotional Courage)

The challenge is to acknowledge the feelings and not let them take over... to recognize emotions, feelings, and moods are temporary?

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What Pennie said. 😉

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Luckily you can’t hear me sing here on Substack. The words from typist/paintist/wordist sparked a memory of The Sound of Music:

Doe, a deer, a female deer

Ray, a drop of golden sun

Me, a name I call myself

Far, a long long way to run

So, a needle pulling thread

La, a note that follows So

Tea, a drink with jam and bread

And it brings us back to Do.

Besides reading about two does, I’m sure I heard soft voices. A dedicated effort to share life lessons from wise perspectives. Repetition of lessons -a sure fire way to prevent forgetting. Gail’s comments about parts of her immediate environment - Henrietta, the two does, a tick-tock clock, remembering which friend gave what book.

A feeling not unlike watching the older glass spheres containing a winter scene and teeny flakes for snow. Upside down then upright again resembling lazy, falling snow. Softly, beautifully.

No doe outside my window, but a raccoon just crossed our patio to peek through the glass of our kitchen door. Our pooch, Izzie, ever watchful, charged the door and sent the bandit packing! Presence of a different flavor.

My intent, though circuitous, was to note and honor the privilege I feel sitting amidst these warm, loving exchanges with Gail. So much I’m hearing and learning about loving kindness.


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I love that film… and the song.

Thank you for your appreciation. When the words feel hard to come by… I remember to speak my truth.

We could see a raccoon near the top of one of the choke cherry trees a few nights ago. At first we thought ‘turkey’, but it wasn’t moving like a turkey. Binoculars confirm raccoon. A curious wonder-filled raccoon! 😂


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I saw The Sound of Music as part of my senior high school trip to Washington, DC, along with other attractions. My home town theaters had postage stamp sized screens in comparison! The sound quality astounded me. And Julie Andrew’s’ voice was fabulous!

I bet that raccoon in the choke cherry tree had a grand view of his world. Do you know if turkeys also partake of the cherries? I’m not sure how high I would be willing to climb for such puckery fruit. 🤔

I/Thou, CURE!


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The trees here are still winter-bare. Perhaps the raccoon was on a surveillance mission? 😂

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I pictured a pirate in the crow’s nest of a pirate battleship! Surveillance indeed!

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I need to start pulling the blinds? 😉 Nah! Most likely the critter was scoping out the place to find a nesting spot. 🤷‍♀️

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Or looking for a soul mate?🤷🏽🙃

You may recall my talking about having a pair of baby raccoons as a youngster. Much fun! When they hit puberty, they hit the road!

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Another song from The Sound of Music, “Something Good” (although contextually pertaining to a song about falling in love), contains a reference to how childhood experiences can shape our adult thinking:

Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could

So somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.

In those lines I hear the residue of negative self-talk, possibly the product of parents’ overly critical remarks coupled with a failure to provide praise, even recognition, for right thinking and doing.

You’ve written more than once about letting go of the past, working to incorporate a positive sense of self worth, and sharing that outlook with those we meet. Your words have definitely not fallen on deaf ears for me. Gentle nudges seem to fit your writing well! Always grateful.

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Thank you Gary… It is honestly my greatest pleasure to pass on what I learn that brings more joy to my life. We’re all walking with pebble laden shoes? Sometimes hearing of another’s experience can make a welcome shift?

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Door mat: “TALK TO THE LOCK. Communication is the key.” 😁

DEB: (shown the picture of the mat in the catalog) Hmm. Actually, you already do that. "Hey Siri, unlock the front door." And then Siri tells you when she's unlocked the door. Communication.

ME: Don't you think Gail will appreciate the play on words?

DEB: Wouldn't most people?

(Not sure about that.)

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😄I DO appreciate the play on words.

I recently saw a list of "What We're Taught In School" next to a list of "What I Wish I Would Have Been Taught In School." I can't remember a lot of what was on the lists, but I think one or more had to do with communication.

Hi Deb!

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What Pennie said is so true! It is our human condition that allows for the occasional pity party. The one that we are NOT enough of this or that or that we ARE alone which we are not. But when you are in gratitude you cannot be negative! Isn’t that a beautiful thing! Our minds won’t let us go to the negative side. You my friend are full of gratitude, and definitely not alone ❤️❤️❤️.

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Thank you Sharon! 💜♥️💚

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What a beautiful post. I can only imagine the fear you have. It sounds so logical to feel alone with the emotions you have. And the cr*p you’re going through.

I feel I can say this because you have a loving home and friends and that you can count on them. So maybe you are alone with the specific feelings you are dealing with, but not alone in life.

And not doing it right enough? I know that critical voice myself. It’s annoying. And so merciless.

Makes me think of a cartoon I saw recently. Someone was falling off a cliff and another woman said: “Maybe you should do more yoga!”

I may not remember it perfectly… but it made me laugh so much.

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“Alone with the specific feelings…”

That’s it exactly!

And the voice of “Not doing it right enough” picks up on the littlest hints that we might “try” something suggested by someone who doesn’t have C. It gets very loud and… belligerent, just as you might imagine the person falling from a cliff might feel when offered more yoga.

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You have such a nice community. But there are loads of people who feel discomfort when C can just hit anyone. It's so much easier to think the patient herself is in control and has the responsibility over getting better. It makes 'fight cancer' rather horrible. Apparently you may not be fighting hard enough! And that sounds like a choice in stead of a set of circumstances in which there is only so much you can do.

Luckily, most of the time, tips are meant well and everybody hopes you feel better and get well. I know I do ;-)

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Marijke, You have just hit the nail on the head!

Thank you for expressing what I have been pondering so clearly! And yes, I believe everyone comes from a place of good intent.

Fascinating to watch my feelings around the whole enchilada! 😂

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Yup right here Gail walking life's journey with you.

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Thanks Kathy! 🤗🥰

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