“Dontcha think —” Thalia rewards her efforts with a tiny chocolate cookie. “The real bit of tihhh-shuuu makes the image?!"
Nia loves it. “Hmmm… Can’t mail it.”
“But we can…” Cal’s love pushes her to find a way, “mail a photograph.”
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
~H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
A note from LoveLetterist:
A long time ago my friend Micheal Ramsburg gave me a phase that I keep in my pocket at all times: What is small to the bear looms large to the ant.
I don't know where I fall on the spectrum of ant to bear these days, but I do know that I've cultivated faith, perseverance, and the courage to ask bears for help. 🐜🐻
I'm so excited to learn how to pull multimedia creations into book quality images.
I've experimented with the sticker feature on my iPhone... It works, but fails Nia's quality standards.
We think... It's time to reach out to a bear.
Call it progress on the learning curve or the result of recent resolutions, your Muses were plying their trade with aplomb. Perhaps a kiwi?
While suitable for framing, my view of your photograph was just Jim Dandy!
Have the day you intended in your hopes and aspirations. Maybe bake another batch of cookies? Sometimes eating small ones can resemble eating air. 🤷🏽