LILACS!!!! Oh how I miss them. I tried growing them down here but it is too hot for them. Once when my husband and I were driving from Minneapolis to Alanson, MI we got to see a mama bear and her cubs. We were crossing across Wisconsin. Mama was standing just off the road in the woods and her cubs were huddled on a downed tree limb near her. We didn't stop because they didn't seem to be waiting to cross. We didn't want to scare them. They had probably just crossed the road shortly before we got there. I believe it was also the trip I got to see my first Bald Eagle. Oh and last night the fireflies were out. I love seeing their little flashes as they fly around.
Lilacs are beautiful and smell wonderful… outside. When I’ve brought them in, I’ve found their scent to be overpowering. We don’t grow any lilacs, but many of our neighbors do. What is your favorite flower in your climate?
This is one of my favorite Oscar Wilde quotes, thanks for sharing it with us!
“Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.”
~Oscar Wilde
I have recently, just yesterday, been inspired by this idea of the way my senses are interpreting the idea of impermanent earth art. Imagine using what is naturally around us to create something magical, whimsical, beautiful 🤩!
I hope you are as inspired and fascinated as I am… I wonder if bear cubs have an appreciation for #Art? Can you imagine a bear cub self portrait? Maybe not…
I hope the absence of Bark! Howl! is a sign of maturation. Progress, not perfection. If I could offer a thought/question: it seems this stage of the bear cub has whiskers. Cat-like? Is the intent to carry that whiskery theme across all species? Whimsically? Purposefully? Artistic license? Admittedly I am often fact-bound. 🤓
Cal woke up on the critical side of the bed today, it seemed to me. Quick to weigh in with her assessments. Not like her. I hope the day’s rain hasn’t put her in a grumpy mood! Then again, Everything can be this, Everything can be that. CURE!
That would add a nice, soft touch! Even finer than frog fur. 🤔 When all house paint was oil-based, reports indicated the camels were fighting for a seat on the Ark.
Sorry. Something seems to have tickled my “Goofey Bone” today. Far worse than regulation “Funny Bones.” 🫣
Wisteria grows abundantly down here but doesn't have the wonderful smell of lilacs. It is invasive too. Then we have mimosa and bottlebrush plants. No smell to them either.
Pssst! I’m not authorized to pinch hit for typist, but... I will offer a quick FYI.
Our favorite typist, paintist, heartest (she helps fill ours with her stories), and inspiration may be immersed in welcoming Nathaniel (the kid) back from college.
She’s been drawn to water lately, kayaking mostly, and also mentioned wanting to go out in the boat with him. Fisherman extraordinaire! Or maybe today preparing a spread fit for a son. He’s not “prodigal” I’ve heard.
My tea leaves tell me when she appears again in 3mm, she’ll have fine tales to share. The one that got away. The one that didn’t. And the one Nia, Tal, and Cal grilled for all to enjoy.
What a lovely bear cub🧸. Fresh day. Fresh look. Fresh perspective.
yes! Sometimes when we pause and step away, we arrive anew -- renewed. 💜
LILACS!!!! Oh how I miss them. I tried growing them down here but it is too hot for them. Once when my husband and I were driving from Minneapolis to Alanson, MI we got to see a mama bear and her cubs. We were crossing across Wisconsin. Mama was standing just off the road in the woods and her cubs were huddled on a downed tree limb near her. We didn't stop because they didn't seem to be waiting to cross. We didn't want to scare them. They had probably just crossed the road shortly before we got there. I believe it was also the trip I got to see my first Bald Eagle. Oh and last night the fireflies were out. I love seeing their little flashes as they fly around.
Lilacs are beautiful and smell wonderful… outside. When I’ve brought them in, I’ve found their scent to be overpowering. We don’t grow any lilacs, but many of our neighbors do. What is your favorite flower in your climate?
Fireflies! A summer favorite. ♥️
Thanks for sharing your sightings Margaret!
This is one of my favorite Oscar Wilde quotes, thanks for sharing it with us!
“Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul.”
~Oscar Wilde
I have recently, just yesterday, been inspired by this idea of the way my senses are interpreting the idea of impermanent earth art. Imagine using what is naturally around us to create something magical, whimsical, beautiful 🤩!
I hope you are as inspired and fascinated as I am… I wonder if bear cubs have an appreciation for #Art? Can you imagine a bear cub self portrait? Maybe not…
I got a kick out of the bear in the red canoe 😊
I think elephants paint using their trunks. I must have seen that on TV. 🤷♀️
There is a fair amount of impermanent earth art popping up on the trails in my neck of the woods. I love the mini-snowmen in winter. :)
I’m crazy fascinated and can’t wait to make something! 😊🎨😊
I hope the absence of Bark! Howl! is a sign of maturation. Progress, not perfection. If I could offer a thought/question: it seems this stage of the bear cub has whiskers. Cat-like? Is the intent to carry that whiskery theme across all species? Whimsically? Purposefully? Artistic license? Admittedly I am often fact-bound. 🤓
Cal woke up on the critical side of the bed today, it seemed to me. Quick to weigh in with her assessments. Not like her. I hope the day’s rain hasn’t put her in a grumpy mood! Then again, Everything can be this, Everything can be that. CURE!
“Whaaat?” Cal tossed a furtive glance at Nia who catapulted herself int the search engine.
“It says here… bears are mammals and have whiskers… hairline, non-functional whiskers,” the Muse of Determination reported.
“Ehhh — Artistic license,” said Thalia. “Why so serious?”
Hey, Tal? Ever see Paintist use a non-functional paintbrush?
As Sgt. Joe Friday was heard to say on Dragnet, “Just the facts, ma’am.” 😉
For that matter, I might also be a bear owing to my whiskers. And they, too, are non-functional! CURE!
Are there paint brushes made from bear whiskers? 😂
That would add a nice, soft touch! Even finer than frog fur. 🤔 When all house paint was oil-based, reports indicated the camels were fighting for a seat on the Ark.
Sorry. Something seems to have tickled my “Goofey Bone” today. Far worse than regulation “Funny Bones.” 🫣
Sign: “COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, not your worries” 😁
Typist could have written that! Paintest could have crafted it! Cal could have pointed out what was wrong with it!
Ha! Nia is most often the persnickety one. 😂
Wisteria grows abundantly down here but doesn't have the wonderful smell of lilacs. It is invasive too. Then we have mimosa and bottlebrush plants. No smell to them either.
The leaves on the mimosa plant are delicate and appealing! 😊
Pssst! I’m not authorized to pinch hit for typist, but... I will offer a quick FYI.
Our favorite typist, paintist, heartest (she helps fill ours with her stories), and inspiration may be immersed in welcoming Nathaniel (the kid) back from college.
She’s been drawn to water lately, kayaking mostly, and also mentioned wanting to go out in the boat with him. Fisherman extraordinaire! Or maybe today preparing a spread fit for a son. He’s not “prodigal” I’ve heard.
My tea leaves tell me when she appears again in 3mm, she’ll have fine tales to share. The one that got away. The one that didn’t. And the one Nia, Tal, and Cal grilled for all to enjoy.
I can’t wait! CURE!
It’s been a full day! I’ve just now sat down to try drawing another cat!
The trio and I will be back tomorrow… with a story and an update on all of the good news about C.
Must be a struggle to put a good cat down. Figuratively of course. 🙃
Far from a good cat! It looks terrible. 😂
I think I’ll go back to dogs.
Ha-ha! With dogs you have the advantage of a live in model. Smooth lines without an abundance of whiskers! 😬