Grrr... I’ve been Safaried! My iPhone won’t open “Reason is a powerful tool ... 🥸

Peonies were favorites of my mother and hers as well. Harbingers of early summer.

I like the interplay of themes in today’s love letter! While not encouraging throwing caution to the wind, there’s the encouragement to not be imprisoned by caution. Picasso’s remark seemed to reference you as a great example! 🧑🏼‍🎨

Thanks for the impetus to live this day, this week, as though miracles are everywhere.

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Wonder why the link doesn’t work. 🤔

Gotta run… practicing a verbal story about Henny and the Bernards. 😁 Skill building!

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Love your peonies photo! We used to have them in our backyard, but they didn't make it. ☹️

Now I envy you your peonies.

I have peonies envy. 😉

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I dug up a peony yesterday… stunted growth and zero blooms for several years now. The two that remain aren’t performing like they used to. Perhaps they’ve spent themselves in years past?

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“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

~Pablo Picasso

One of my favorites!

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