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Good Morning Robert!

I have an unfair advantage. For almost 33 years now I have been living my life one day at a time. On the Fourth of July, I will celebrate my 33rd year of sobriety.

I begin and end each day with the serenity prayer. It’s a small thing, but I assure you it’s a game changer.

I’m also a long-term cancer support group facilitator and former hospice nurse. I have seen much death in my lifetime and I assure you, when it’s time to return to Stardust, no one is thinking about whether they reached their goals or not.

Bronnie Ware speaks brilliantly about this in her book, The top five regrets of the dying. If you’ve never had the privilege of reading it, I give it my highest recommendation.

KISMIF and Just for Today are my watch words…

At present, I am in the process of a transition that’s been unfolding since December 1, 2021.

I’ve been in corporate for almost 25 years now and it’s time to embrace the artist I discovered when I watched this Ted talk.


The transformational comedian, Kyle Cease, has a phrase he uses that I absolutely love. He says, “I don’t know, and I love that.”



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Thanks Bobby! For those with interest... another TED link. Ralph Ammer--How Drawing Helps You Think.


I made a note to myself months (a year?) ago to re-vist the 15 minute mark of the talk. So glad I did! I think what he enunciates in part explains why I make time to create original art for most of 3mm's musings. 🤔

I'm amazed at how we take in information and like clams with grains of sand... then turn it into pearls!

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Pearls… 💎 Acres of diamonds…

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This is really awesome Bobby!

My mom was a hospice nurse and she would share so often message similar to yours around reflections at the end of people’s lives.

Similarly, I love how you easily share your lives experiences and the results of the actions you put into them. Seems effortless for you so I suspect you’ve practiced this for a while now 😀. Love that you share this way.

One thing I do wonder in regard to the “end of life” reflections, desires, regrets, priorities -- I’m curious as to why that is one of the most common points to look at when assessing one’s life.

Part of it makes sense.

But part of it feels a bit odd to me.

I sense it’s a point where many of our lives will be more similar in perspective. At least if we are older age and know we are dying.

But those same people for most of their lives are the same people that would offer advise often contradictory to that.

I wonder if that is the point of my life where I want to be asked and secondly if asking me at that point of my life will produce the most accurate and comprehensive answer to guide someone that isn’t also at the end of life.

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