Apr 7, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Love the quote again!

“It often feels to me like the Universe is trying to make sure I want what I say I want enough to do the work required to achieve it.”

How often have I pursued a path against my instincts/intuition simply because I felt compelled to work hard at something?

I sense that at times, I put a lot of emphasis on the real or perceived “lazy” or “easy way out” avoidance.

“At least he tried and didn’t shy away from the challenge” plays a lot better in my mind.

“He really knows what he wants so he said no” usually becomes “he’s probably just avoiding hard work” in my self talk.

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Thanks Bob.

From my own experience, I’ve learned somebody might be working at their edge… putting forth the best they’ve got… while to an outsider… it might look like they are lazy because the “work” doesn’t fit an outside definition.

Reminds me of the proverb about withholding judgement until you’ve walked a mile in somebody else’s shoes.

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

I like this Gail:

“it might look like they are lazy because the “work” doesn’t fit an outside definition.”

Kind of makes me think of mastery. And maybe specifically what I think is called a “t shaped individual.”

On one hand I envision the master craftsman. Whose life’s work is making horseshoes, a cabinet or a sword. They needn’t learn a new craft to be fulfilled nor to work hard nor to grow. And maybe they are obsessively and unapologetically one dimensional and focused.

I don’t (from the outside) look at that person and attribute the ease at which they can complete a task to them being lazy in their pursuit.

On the other is the t shaped individual.


And I DO look at that person and see that deep expertise and the effortless achievement they make there -- and I DO attribute the ease at which they do their deep expertise tasks as “space” to deepen another -- and I WOULD attribute their lack of desire to do that as either laziness (prob not) or not as valuable for corporate development.

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Apr 7, 2023·edited Apr 7, 2023Author

Thank you. T,X,I — a new concept for me.

While walking Henny after engaging with your comment, my thoughts were less corporate…

I remembered two tinkerers.

The first is Van Dyke’s character in Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang.

The second is the dad in the movie Fly Away Home, who built a contraption so he could teach geese to migrate.

As I recall, from a cultural standpoint both were considered eccentric outliers. Maybe lazy?

Both used their imagination to create something new and amazing!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

If I put my Gail supervision-2000 glasses on, what I’d see is perspectives affect not only what we see in others but our perspective of others affect our view of self.

I’m reminded of “who is it for” as well.

A perfectly fine joyous “type” may just not be what fits best for a certain environment.

I like trying to be a chameleon for example. But I also admire those that are just able to be themselves.

All kinds of kinds 😀

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Where do I get a pair of those glasses?!

Just kidding...

Like many before me, who once thought they were kinda smart, I've found that what I know and understand is an ant-sized thimble worth of all the oceans and lakes on our planet.

All kinds of kinds is what keeps this place running? I operate on faith that a greater power is watching over us all. Paraphrasing from Rolf Gates... I recognize I do not control any of it and yet must take full responsibility for my thoughts and actions.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Oh my word, reflections are HARD! Applause for even attempting it! 👏

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Thanks Jack! It was fun to make. I love "dropping" one color into another that is wet and watching it spread.

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