
A note from LoveLetterist:

I do believe we've finally landed on a Goldilocks' middle ground for our next book experiment.

It's not too big, or too small.

It's new and different, yet rhymes with our work to date.

It'll challenge our growth, but not so much that we'll give up.

Since August we've been chomping at the bit to begin again.

For several months we swam in the Sea of Possibilities.

That said... When we can do anything, we find it hard to do something.

Creating a frame (right on time) is giving us freedom to move forward.

Guardrails are our friends.

Here are a couple of resources that help me to appreciate the value of limitations:



Embrace the Shake

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I’m excited for you! And for us, your band of faithful followers. 🎉

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Ha! It so helps when the step is right-sized and looked at as practice/learning.

I suspect I’m going to learn new tech for formatting. Let’s do this!

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Your Spirit of “Yay, new learning. Rolling up my sleeves” never ceases to amaze me. It’s not that you “can” do this. Rather, you “will” do this. And enjoy yourself. Hurrah.

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Making that Google slide gallery of Poise pictures was a great confidence builder! Empowering.

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Your studio table resembles a celebration of Art! Well, and the machines that helped form the accoutrements of your art: various organizers, paint cartons (eggs😉) for some paints, and so much more!

Many hands make light the work.

Do you suppose Nietzsche had Thalia in mind when he penned those words?

David Brooks comment, from The Social Animal, reminded me of Billy Joel’s lyric: “Well we all have a face that we hide away forever. Then we take ‘em out and show ourselves when everyone is gone.” Reluctant to live out loud and afraid to trust. 🤷🏽

I wonder if having a trace of background music in the studio, barely audible, would be beneficial? Perhaps Peter Gabriel’s performance of “Don’t Give Up,” with Sinead O’Connor.

Oops! Minding your business again...

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Maybe Thalia was Nietzsche’s muse before she was mine! 🤣😱

In my listening circle this morning, one friend noted that she’s picked “her word” for 2024. When she said that, I looked at my whiteboard that has my 2023 words on it: faith, flourish, and fearless. I kinda want to keep ‘um... forever.

Music when art-ing, yes!

Writing? Not so much.

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