“Why is the deer,” Nia studies today’s image. “— wearing a pinecone?”
“Wheeeeehhh-lll,” Thalia’s nose scrunches into a wrinkled bunch, “suhhhmmmmthing went amiss with the legs. The cone is — cam-o-FLAW-j.”
“Know what I appreciate?” Calliope grasps the hands of her friends, “Honesty is a trunk… connecting our branches.”
If you go through life trusting, you may get hurt just a little bit more, but you will never miss any of the action.
If you go through life a little too wary, you may not get stepped on here and there, but you will miss far more than you will avoid.
~Norman Lear
A note from LoveLetterist:
the person it's hardest to be honest with
is myself.
We have this tendency to want to appear all put-together and perfect for the world.
What happens when let our guards down?
Can we trust that everything will turn out right?
Is the world built on that?
There's only one way to find out.
Try it.
😁 I thought the deer was playing kick the cone?! You’ve used this page from Poise to create delightful art. Thanks for including Norman Lear’s advice for trusting - with hearts open and practicing lovingkindness- in order to not miss out on all of life. Wisdom.