
A note from LoveLetterist:

If one is unable or unready to move about the world, I have learned that the world comes to you -- many worlds actually.

Everything you notice and invite into your life...

from a new friend...

to a tortoise beetle found stuck in a spider's web...

has the potential to take you somewhere...

you have never been before.

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The notion of “going down a rabbit hole” sometimes denotes a process of haphazardly stumbling upon random facts. Like how flypaper collects its treasures...

First, rabbits might take exception with that phrasing! And rightfully so, as their dens afford protection from predators, provide a home birth setting, and safety from cold and rain.

I was at first inclined to offer a comment based on rabbit holes. After some quick reconsideration the rabbit hole reference was entirely unfounded. 😔

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Author

Today I am thinking about, “Grow where you are planted.” ~?

There is a story in Wandering Words about my young self wanting to be a big city mover and shaker. I had a taste of that in my 3 months of Social Security onboarding in Chicago. Then I came home, settled down, and received countless opportunities to learn, grow, and become my best self in the shelter of a rabbit hole of sorts 🐰 offering opportunities encouraging me to grow. It is only through looking back that I can see the dots, as Steve Jobs said in his famous commencement address.

Mostly I remember myself as content and grateful along the way… perchance a bit of petulance on occasion. 🤷‍♀️

A neighbor recently told me about something she read from Joanna Gains who spent years working in some kind of family automotive business. She said she wished she would have not been so antsy and dissatisfied during her time there? (Consider this here-say as it has passed through two or more storytellers since Joanna.

Are many of us wishing away our “growing up” years? Like when we were kids? Whoa! I’ve never thought of it this way before!

Thanks for opening up a new avenue in my thinking!

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As I began college and moved on to graduate school, my mantra was “When I achieve ____, then I’ll have arrived.” Fully overlooking that each new day is an arrival.” A present.

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Another friend guided me to say “In “a” beginning instead of in “the” beginning. :)

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I like that approach. As in, “A new beginning.”

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I’m thinking about the film Groundhog Day. Bill Murray’s life started changing when he started changing himself. 🤔

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“When I achieve ____, then I’ll have arrived.” This resonated. I held onto this belief for way too long. (happy I've set that down on the trail awhile back)

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My preoccupation with future outcomes, while mired in past recriminations, provided a foil for my ill-preparedness for my studies.

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🤦🏻‍♀️ I forgot to insert a link to Two Nomads.

Here you go!


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I’m fascinated by your image today! All manner of questions arise: Who are these people? (You clarified that two are nomads and one wears a 3MM t-shirt, thus transporting the Muses...) Where are these people? Are they all traveling together? In Innnn-deeee-ah perhaps?

Your creativity sometimes resembles churning butter. 1 Find the chilled fresh cream. 2 Pour the cream into the butter churn. 3 Set to churning and churning. 4 Separate the buttermilk. 5 Mold the chunks of butter into a pleasing shape. (My grandparents made butter this way)

Fresh cream? Story ideas.

Churn? Applying your mind and being.

Churning? Forming ideas, researching related material, and proofing.

Separating buttermilk? Occam’s razor.

Molding? The Loveletterist’s secret touch!

My recently anesthetized brain thinks the Nomads are friends of yours. Possibly recently mentioned here in 3MM?

Until I can churn my brain fog into little cat’s feet (Carl Sandburg) abandoning further conjecture seems wise. 🤦🏽

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Ilene is part of my Listening Circle. We were introduced years ago by Peter Williams who is a big advocate of “productive accidents”. She and her husband are currently in India… doing their Two Nomad magic. 🪄

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