
A note from LoveLetterist:

Hoping I'll be able to pick berries with my 87 year old dad again this June.

It brings me joy to see him travel back to his childhood memories.

Fourth Muses:

What say you?

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Serenity’s Scribe 🖋️📜🖋️ recently had a conversation with his father (who he is slowly building a relationship with after a lifetime of friction), that moved reality just a little bit closer…

We had a lengthy conversation not just about Stone Balancing, (one of Serenity’s passions), but about a multitude of other things as well…

Our connection is growing stronger with every conversation, and he has a genuine interest in what I want to do with the rest of my life, and he’s advising from a place where his years are rapidly dwindling…

He told me that whatever it is I really want to do, I should pursue it NOW, with all my heart and not wait, because there’s nothing worse than having a head full of ideas and a body that won’t support those ideas…

My offer back to him was that maybe he could share some of those ideas with me and then I could find a way to bring some of them to life, and that we could actually accomplish something meaningfully unique, together…

He was very excited about that prospect and asked when the next time was that we would see each other, and we made plans for that to happen… 🎉

He doesn’t yet know about Serenity and this gives us one more topic to talk about…


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Serenity! What rich commentary.

I love that you call yourself Serenity's Scribe. 😊

I also really appreciate the honest share of the bridges you are building with your dad.

There were a number of years where I held my father at a distance, unable to navigate his temper and mood swings. Then, as so often happens, life changed things up and a whole new set of circumstances made room for us to re-connect at a different level. I am grateful.

I hope you'll take the opportunity to share more as Scribe and Dad move forward together!

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I’m really enjoying my role as Scribe… it’s affording a level of freedom and independence to Serenity that otherwise would not be available!

it has me wondering about what other gifts we might grant ourselves if we gave our muses permission to play, and I mean to really play!

I’m watching someone, I think we both know her pretty well… at least I’m getting to know her pretty well, as I WITNESS her embrace play as a way of finding herself… Of reclaiming JOY as a right, as a way of being…

Do you have any idea WHO I might be thinking of?


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100% have an idea of “who”!

And yes!

Muses give a level of freedom and independence. Well said!

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Such a fine plan, Bobby! I remember Kenny Roger’s lyric, “Oh the pleasure’s not the taking; It’s the lovin’ of the game!”

I’m in no way suggesting you are planning a game. My father died unexpectedly at 55, the year I graduated from college. I went off to college to reject my parents’ harsh discipline. Yet I envisioned a rapprochement after I graduated.

Good luck as you go forward with your plan.

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The lovin' of the game, the dancing in the rain, the magic of bringing light to dark.

Thanks Polyhymnia!

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In Gratitude,


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Bobby no time like right now 😀

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I, Polyhymnia, strongly support your wish for another Strawberry Summer with your father. As the inventor of Agriculture I shall ensure fertile fields and bountiful berry yields. As the creator of Sacred Hymns I shall allow one to sound from everywhere and nowhere while you pick.

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Thank you Polyhymnia!

The other morning as I looked into the mirror, I saw my father's green, with a touch of brown, eyes looking back into mine.

I took a moment to write a little poem and I texted it to him.

Another June berry pick together will be a gift. 🍓

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“Everywhere AND Nowhere!”


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Strawberries are delicious - like the color of my dress today. I think I will write a song about them and play it on my ukelele.

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Go Terpsi!


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The Strawberry Moon of 2024 falls on June 21. Perhaps the object upon which you and Henny are gazing?

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Oh! I like that connection.

After the photo had been taken and edited this morning I thought... hmmm... missing something. As per usual, time was a constraint, and I just went ahead.

A little night sky around the berry would look awesome!

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Nick away! 😊

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That's my Birthday! Woo Hoo!

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