The muses recent planner purchase was no longer being used for its intended purpose. Some squares did contain tiny, black appointment annotations, but the large majority of whitespace was filled with jewel-toned observations from the day — SAW, HEARD, TASTED, DID.
“Ohhhh-keeeeeeee-dohhhh-keeee!” Thalia took up her conductor’s baton. “One thing you liked — and another — you didn’t. I’ll go first — and jot them down.” Magenta marker uncapped, she dashed off, “I luuuuved the Naples-style pizza! — and was disappointed that warm temperatures turned some of the sculptures into rubble. Nia?”
“Abhorred the crowds, and the mud.” After an elongated pause she added, “I was intrigued by the Edward Lear poem. Calliope?”
“I liked people watching… and thinking about artists who are willing to create works that Mother Nature reclaims… and capering around the town… on a never before experienced escapade…”
Square bursting at its seams, Thalia set down her felt-tip. “Apparentleeee — we need counting practice.”
Do I contradict myself?
Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.
~ Walt Whitman
As always Gail, you manage to find quotes that arrive at just the right moment. In this case Whitman is front and center as "Trees, Roots and Leaves" are central to the Jewish Festival of T'Bshvat" that arrives this evening. In addition to that my question of the day is about where am I consistent and where am I not? Why or Why not? Which leads to "are there no contradictions?" "Absence of contradictions". Ah! Can Whitman be both right and wrong?
Wow I haven't been to Lake Geneva in years. It's cool that they do snow and ice sculptures there.