Thalia placed her hands on her hips. “Drawist might benefit with some car-sketch practice? Looks like I’m about to take off in Amelia Earhart’s plane!”
Cal sighed. “Cut her some slack. She’s learning. We’re in a beginning and drawing is the most recent addition to the toolbox.”
Nia felt no need to add her voice to the discussion, and yet she listened intently.
Words from Typist:
No road trips for us on the horizon… unless you count the drive to the cancer center for our MRI this morning. Cross your fingers for a vanquished invader?
A song popped up as a random suggestion on Spotify. During the first refrain, Calliope cringed at the lyric, “I hate your guts.” Thalia pointed out that it was followed by, “But you’ve got soul!”
The muses are considering a drawing for the phrase, “You’re the cactus of my eye.” Isn’t that a brilliant use of words?
I’ve added the song to my favorites and it’s really grown on us. As E.B White said, “No man is born perpendicular.” We all have our likes and dislikes.
Personally, I’m beyond finger-crossing… 🤞🏼
I’m not knocking this strategy, but I think instead,
I will visualize a lonely surgical clip where the vanquished invader once lived… A space, replaced with love, kindness, compassion, and the good will of your treatment team and love letter followers! #cancerGIFT 🙌🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼
Road trip to follow… Stay tuned! 😉😎😊
May your MRI reveal an emptiness where the invader once lived--not sure if they ever give you a photocopy of these MRI images but if yes, that fruitful empty space might be a terrific spot for your 3 muses!! Holding you in warmth and prayer and delight, Gail.