I truly loved being at the cancer clinic yesterday. I caught up with a couple of friends and I'm delighted to share that my blood and vital statistics received an A+ report card.
I do have a couple of patches of discolored, scaly skin on my face that I'm having checked by a dermatologist next week. Dr. S said, "Have them checked, but... they do not raise much concern". I have learned to take the bull by the horns to avoid unnecessary perseveration!
I remember the quest for “meeeeee-tee-bloooood” from the days of ever so long ago! Tal may have shouted that out today with a touch of whimsy. We (Muses and aficionados here in 3MM fandom) remember the days when passing muster on blood labs spelled the difference between getting the scheduled infusion or waiting.
Unwanted suspense in lives made for living!
I believe there are times in my life that require a jolt to jumpstart my enthusiasm for living. Cancer not being my first choice of a jumpstart. I frequently recall Bob Dylan’s lyric:
“He who ain’t busy being born is busy dying.”
How dramatic must we be with that “living” to be effective? I’ve followed a woman from Kyiv on Twitter since the invasion began who embodies this very notion. Living. Her command of English has blossomed. Her photo-documentation excels since she bought a digital camera. Her subject matter is how she lives in war conditions. Not as a war correspondent, but as a human striving to lead a life as normal as possible. Largely focused on joy and beauty. To the gym. To the bookstore. To week end craft fairs. To her dentist.
Many nights of interrupted sleep due to air raid warnings for drones and missiles. I’m certain for some the stress has overwhelmed most of their routines. For Yaroslava I believe her commitment to living and choosing to focus on the good has kept her strong.
You shared Yaroslava’s Twitter with me shortly after I began treatment. Her soft and strong nature — embracing life despite circumstances is quite inspirational for me. I consider her to be a role model!
I choose to believe cancer came to me as a teacher — bringing experiences and lessons that have strengthened my faith, kindness, and courage. I also choose to believe that I was fully equipped with everything I needed for the journey!
There is a Roseanne Cash song titled “World of Strange Design”. When everything goes topsy-turvey I remind myself that there are forces at work that I’m not empowered to understand.
I listened to Roseanne’s song. She artfully, of course, spoke to the strange design of what our lives can present to us. Perhaps parts of the designs for my life now are becoming less strange?! It takes a community to raise a fellow whose life specialized in strange designs. 🙏🏽 3MM community.
“... forces at work that I am not empowered to understand.” I immediately thought of the Native American that was asked what Great Spirit stood for. He replied, “That which cannot be understood.” He didn’t add, “So we don’t believe in Great Spirit any longer.”
This makes me remember part of a passage from the Bible, “Faith in things unseen.” This concept occurs in several books of the New Testament.
Buddhist monks high in the Himalayas, after washing their garments, place them on their backs and dry them by raising the temperature of their backs. Not a big deal to them as they’ve devoted years to forming strong connections between mind and body.
When I came across the questions -- What if you are not here to save the world? What if the world is here to save you? -- it felt like an incredible weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Heaven knows I am enough of a job all on my own. 😂 I'm quite taken with the idea that "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house." Saw that as a tattoo!
When I can set aside all of the false worry about the world at large, I am free to create the best version of Gail. That! Is a job I am up for!
What’s a post without a ringer? 🙋🏽♂️ It seems safe to guess you know songs from “American Pie” by Don McClean. A less known song from that album is Sister Fatima. Reading the lyrics for me suggested Don was skipping between the actual existence of Sister Fatima (actually one name for The Virgin Mary) and more human traits accorded to a sort of fortune teller.
Cool? Yeah. Except the woman Sister Lucia of Fatima, and two cousins saw an apparition of Mother Mary. Adding to similar sightings over centuries. Sister Lucia made predictions about the end of WW I, the likelihood of WW II, followed by end times in which several versions exist. The Church has taken several measures that effectively accept the facts of the apparitions.
McClean in the song talks of being “a humble recruit of the taffeta booth.” The fortune teller’s place of business of sorts. Less so from the song, but more so from the accounts of the apparitions, one is presented opportunities for “believing in things unseen.” Seeing the future or at least receiving messages from “the other side” about event in the future. 🤷🏽
What we actually know from experience, and what we think we know from other types of experiences, help us define what is real and define our experiences of same.
Stop me before I tap the QUERTY keyboard again. Perhaps you administered one of my needed jolts with the subject matter to enliven my noggin!
A note from Loveletterist:
I truly loved being at the cancer clinic yesterday. I caught up with a couple of friends and I'm delighted to share that my blood and vital statistics received an A+ report card.
I do have a couple of patches of discolored, scaly skin on my face that I'm having checked by a dermatologist next week. Dr. S said, "Have them checked, but... they do not raise much concern". I have learned to take the bull by the horns to avoid unnecessary perseveration!
“Perseverate, perseverate
Dance to the music”
Oops! Sorry, Three Dog Night. 😊
I remember the quest for “meeeeee-tee-bloooood” from the days of ever so long ago! Tal may have shouted that out today with a touch of whimsy. We (Muses and aficionados here in 3MM fandom) remember the days when passing muster on blood labs spelled the difference between getting the scheduled infusion or waiting.
Unwanted suspense in lives made for living!
I believe there are times in my life that require a jolt to jumpstart my enthusiasm for living. Cancer not being my first choice of a jumpstart. I frequently recall Bob Dylan’s lyric:
“He who ain’t busy being born is busy dying.”
How dramatic must we be with that “living” to be effective? I’ve followed a woman from Kyiv on Twitter since the invasion began who embodies this very notion. Living. Her command of English has blossomed. Her photo-documentation excels since she bought a digital camera. Her subject matter is how she lives in war conditions. Not as a war correspondent, but as a human striving to lead a life as normal as possible. Largely focused on joy and beauty. To the gym. To the bookstore. To week end craft fairs. To her dentist.
Many nights of interrupted sleep due to air raid warnings for drones and missiles. I’m certain for some the stress has overwhelmed most of their routines. For Yaroslava I believe her commitment to living and choosing to focus on the good has kept her strong.
Which brings me back to loveletterist’s
Oops! Premature send.
Loveletterist’s quote by Voltaire tells us so. Using far fewer words and no emojis. I feel a gratitude list coming on. 😁
You shared Yaroslava’s Twitter with me shortly after I began treatment. Her soft and strong nature — embracing life despite circumstances is quite inspirational for me. I consider her to be a role model!
I choose to believe cancer came to me as a teacher — bringing experiences and lessons that have strengthened my faith, kindness, and courage. I also choose to believe that I was fully equipped with everything I needed for the journey!
There is a Roseanne Cash song titled “World of Strange Design”. When everything goes topsy-turvey I remind myself that there are forces at work that I’m not empowered to understand.
I listened to Roseanne’s song. She artfully, of course, spoke to the strange design of what our lives can present to us. Perhaps parts of the designs for my life now are becoming less strange?! It takes a community to raise a fellow whose life specialized in strange designs. 🙏🏽 3MM community.
“... forces at work that I am not empowered to understand.” I immediately thought of the Native American that was asked what Great Spirit stood for. He replied, “That which cannot be understood.” He didn’t add, “So we don’t believe in Great Spirit any longer.”
This makes me remember part of a passage from the Bible, “Faith in things unseen.” This concept occurs in several books of the New Testament.
Buddhist monks high in the Himalayas, after washing their garments, place them on their backs and dry them by raising the temperature of their backs. Not a big deal to them as they’ve devoted years to forming strong connections between mind and body.
Things unseen.
When I came across the questions -- What if you are not here to save the world? What if the world is here to save you? -- it felt like an incredible weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Heaven knows I am enough of a job all on my own. 😂 I'm quite taken with the idea that "The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house." Saw that as a tattoo!
When I can set aside all of the false worry about the world at large, I am free to create the best version of Gail. That! Is a job I am up for!
What’s a post without a ringer? 🙋🏽♂️ It seems safe to guess you know songs from “American Pie” by Don McClean. A less known song from that album is Sister Fatima. Reading the lyrics for me suggested Don was skipping between the actual existence of Sister Fatima (actually one name for The Virgin Mary) and more human traits accorded to a sort of fortune teller.
Cool? Yeah. Except the woman Sister Lucia of Fatima, and two cousins saw an apparition of Mother Mary. Adding to similar sightings over centuries. Sister Lucia made predictions about the end of WW I, the likelihood of WW II, followed by end times in which several versions exist. The Church has taken several measures that effectively accept the facts of the apparitions.
McClean in the song talks of being “a humble recruit of the taffeta booth.” The fortune teller’s place of business of sorts. Less so from the song, but more so from the accounts of the apparitions, one is presented opportunities for “believing in things unseen.” Seeing the future or at least receiving messages from “the other side” about event in the future. 🤷🏽
What we actually know from experience, and what we think we know from other types of experiences, help us define what is real and define our experiences of same.
Stop me before I tap the QUERTY keyboard again. Perhaps you administered one of my needed jolts with the subject matter to enliven my noggin!
“cancer free!” 💚💚💚💚💚
The muses are just starting to get their groove on. They were quite pleased with the news. 😉
There are MANY others who are quite pleased with the news! Just like #NiceNews! 🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼
#Pleased ☺️
TY Bobby!