I remember when “Calendar Girls” was released. Created a bit of buzz.
Fast forward almost 10 years and my wife had decided (well, circumstances had a lot to do with the decision) to have a double mastectomy. The second most important decision involved reconstruction vs none.
At that time, an excellent tattoo artist (former favorite of motorcycle gangs) in New Jersey had begun offering tattoos for women who had opted for no reconstruction. His artistry and mastery allowed him to produce work that astounded many. Not just his clients.
Now I see from time to time collections of images of women who had foregone reconstruction. Many participants describe the experience as “empowering.” But either decision can have its drawbacks.
Yes, this is an extreme illustration of recent discussion here about living in the present, having life goals, while still being able to respond to the curve balls that come our way. Living a life of purpose sometimes means redefining that purpose. A heightened focus. A new and different book project. Trying out new skills and loving it. And not being diverted from our chosen path. (Knowing where the North Star lives)
Some might choose to discard all reminders of unwanted detours. Others turn them into art! 🤗
Can I say that when I looked up the YouTube clip this morning I was flabbergasted to learn this movie has been out for 20 years?
Calendar Girls was recently mentioned in one of the daily newsletters I skim -- either Nice News or 1440. The film piqued my curiosity so I followed a link to Apple TV and downloaded it. So glad I did! And I thought it was a recent release. 🤷🏻♀️ Faith -- What I need finds me. :)
Throughout the film, one of the protagonists seemed to be following her intuition for each next step.
One of my early friends from Medium became a tattoo artist. He makes some amazing art!
Wow! I love the stream of consciousness on 3MM. There’s a “trust the process” lesson in both the protagonist’s and your own navigating life. I would have to check the stitches on the seat of my pants frequently...
Sign: “‘Diamonds are formed under pressure.’ ‘Bread dough rises when you let it rest.’ What motivates you may destroy someone else. Let each person be their own thing.” 🤔
Deb and I loved “Calendar Girls”! Although when we saw it, they had older women in the cast, so someone must have updated the trailer because these ladies are all our age or younger... 😉
Congratulations on your Anniversary, Gail! And the many more to come! 🎉
I remember when “Calendar Girls” was released. Created a bit of buzz.
Fast forward almost 10 years and my wife had decided (well, circumstances had a lot to do with the decision) to have a double mastectomy. The second most important decision involved reconstruction vs none.
At that time, an excellent tattoo artist (former favorite of motorcycle gangs) in New Jersey had begun offering tattoos for women who had opted for no reconstruction. His artistry and mastery allowed him to produce work that astounded many. Not just his clients.
Now I see from time to time collections of images of women who had foregone reconstruction. Many participants describe the experience as “empowering.” But either decision can have its drawbacks.
Yes, this is an extreme illustration of recent discussion here about living in the present, having life goals, while still being able to respond to the curve balls that come our way. Living a life of purpose sometimes means redefining that purpose. A heightened focus. A new and different book project. Trying out new skills and loving it. And not being diverted from our chosen path. (Knowing where the North Star lives)
Some might choose to discard all reminders of unwanted detours. Others turn them into art! 🤗
Can I say that when I looked up the YouTube clip this morning I was flabbergasted to learn this movie has been out for 20 years?
Calendar Girls was recently mentioned in one of the daily newsletters I skim -- either Nice News or 1440. The film piqued my curiosity so I followed a link to Apple TV and downloaded it. So glad I did! And I thought it was a recent release. 🤷🏻♀️ Faith -- What I need finds me. :)
Throughout the film, one of the protagonists seemed to be following her intuition for each next step.
One of my early friends from Medium became a tattoo artist. He makes some amazing art!
Wow! I love the stream of consciousness on 3MM. There’s a “trust the process” lesson in both the protagonist’s and your own navigating life. I would have to check the stitches on the seat of my pants frequently...
“We’re going to need considerably bigger buns.” 😂🤣😂
What a great trailer 🎬 clip 🎞️ you shared!
Looks like a MUST watch film to me!
Isn’t it interesting, I mean really interesting just how much difference a day makes? And 365 of them? Whoa 🤯!
I almost used the bun quote to finish up today's post, but intuited the poem from John was more fitting. 😂
Sign: “‘Diamonds are formed under pressure.’ ‘Bread dough rises when you let it rest.’ What motivates you may destroy someone else. Let each person be their own thing.” 🤔
Deb and I loved “Calendar Girls”! Although when we saw it, they had older women in the cast, so someone must have updated the trailer because these ladies are all our age or younger... 😉
Congratulations on your Anniversary, Gail! And the many more to come! 🎉
There is so much value in the sign you shared Jack! Thank you. 💜❤️💚
In my journal today I wrote, "Truth wears many faces." Who knows where I nicked it from!
From YouTube... It looks like the story has also been put on by theater groups.
I love just about anything with Helen Mirren in it.
Thank you for the congrats! Like Gary mentioned... I want to do the best I can with turning the experience into art!