A little extra side door promotion for a book never hurt anyone... 😂🤣😂
On a more serious note, I had a first vision of the “former” pre-c Typist terrified by her error, only to be embraced by the “Oops” of Typist 2.0 which put a HUGE smile on my face! 😁😁😁
One of my absolute favorites! 🎼👇🏼🎼
Thanks for boldly sharing yourself with all of us!
hahaha! I told one of my friends who told me the song link went to my book that I'm, "Shameless!" 😂
In other Wandering Words news, I gave my trilogy of books to my radiation techs last Friday. When Rob came in to release me from the machine he told me he'd already read the first chapter of WW titled Accept Differences. He said the line "explore how me is part of us" felt intriguing to him. That gave me a big smile!
A writer friend of this community, published and traveled about, offered “nick” or “nicked” as a less harsh reference to borrowed words and phrases. Jack I believe was familiar and gave it his 👍. Those with more intact memories than I can readily say her name. 🤷🏽
Delightful! Drawings. Ideas. And inspiring music and choreography by Rising Appalachia! I was taken aback at first glance, thinking Tal had grown a tail! Werewolfery? Then I remembered this was a male matter?! With a smidgeon of reading (imagine doing that, with a blog post🤔) you drove that silly assumption from my brain.
Side note: I tapped the “song” link and was taken right to the YT video of “Resilient.” Returning to write my reply, I was greeted by “Oooops!” attributed to AUTHOR. 11:29 AM. Gremlins?
Did Tal lose an earring in the boxwood? Perhaps a bit unpleasant in this cooling down time of year? She seemed none the worse for wear and tear. 🙃
Having been an adult (some might challenge me on that claim) when Helen Reddy sang, “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” I become inspired by the arc between women’s suffrage and where we find ourselves today! I smiled when a former Speaker of the House proclaimed recently that all the unraveling of social order stemmed from women gaining the right to vote!! Thus injecting women’s “emotionality” into the governing of our Nation. 🤔🤷🏽🤔😁
So may bottom cut Jack-o-Lanterns march in time with HomeComing Bands and their Drum and Bugle Corps. Be sure Nia gets a chance to feel the drumbeats in her core, the heartbeat of so many. 🥁🥁
On second glance, Thalia could be sporting a tail, or in need of some Bean-o for stomach discomfort. 🤣
I tried to fix the shadow so that one day I can send the card to somebody. 😉 I might benefit from some research of sketching & shadowing?
Oy! Computer gremlins are such rascals!
We had snow this morning! The weather is a 'turnin!
Interesting point you raise about women's emotionality. Emotions... I keep coming across the notion that it is quite valuable for us to become aware of our emotional state, to honor it, and recognize all emotions are temporary. (Unless we insist on "being" instead of feeling") There's a difference between I feel sad and I am sad? I feel lonely and I am lonely?
Here is the song link:
“I love this song by Rising Appalachia!
I find it empowering.
You might, too.”
A little extra side door promotion for a book never hurt anyone... 😂🤣😂
On a more serious note, I had a first vision of the “former” pre-c Typist terrified by her error, only to be embraced by the “Oops” of Typist 2.0 which put a HUGE smile on my face! 😁😁😁
One of my absolute favorites! 🎼👇🏼🎼
Thanks for boldly sharing yourself with all of us!
hahaha! I told one of my friends who told me the song link went to my book that I'm, "Shameless!" 😂
In other Wandering Words news, I gave my trilogy of books to my radiation techs last Friday. When Rob came in to release me from the machine he told me he'd already read the first chapter of WW titled Accept Differences. He said the line "explore how me is part of us" felt intriguing to him. That gave me a big smile!
“He said the line "explore how me is part of us" felt intriguing to him. That gave me a big smile!”
My reaction: 😁😎😁
To boldly go where new Gail always goes🦸♀️ Forgive my nick of Star Trek...😔
Billie's"nicked" vocabulary is spreading!
HaHa! “Nick” is a good one…
I wonder how “nick” compares to “pilfer?” 🤔🤔🤔
A writer friend of this community, published and traveled about, offered “nick” or “nicked” as a less harsh reference to borrowed words and phrases. Jack I believe was familiar and gave it his 👍. Those with more intact memories than I can readily say her name. 🤷🏽
Billie Short! 🤩
T-shirt: “I gave up my seat on the bus to an old lady. Next day I lost my job as a driver. The world is cruel.” 😁
May your good intentions always align with how the world works! 😉
Thanks Jack!
I'll remember this T-shirt when I see the school bus in our neighborhood, replacing old lady with middle-schooler.
Delightful! Drawings. Ideas. And inspiring music and choreography by Rising Appalachia! I was taken aback at first glance, thinking Tal had grown a tail! Werewolfery? Then I remembered this was a male matter?! With a smidgeon of reading (imagine doing that, with a blog post🤔) you drove that silly assumption from my brain.
Side note: I tapped the “song” link and was taken right to the YT video of “Resilient.” Returning to write my reply, I was greeted by “Oooops!” attributed to AUTHOR. 11:29 AM. Gremlins?
Did Tal lose an earring in the boxwood? Perhaps a bit unpleasant in this cooling down time of year? She seemed none the worse for wear and tear. 🙃
Having been an adult (some might challenge me on that claim) when Helen Reddy sang, “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” I become inspired by the arc between women’s suffrage and where we find ourselves today! I smiled when a former Speaker of the House proclaimed recently that all the unraveling of social order stemmed from women gaining the right to vote!! Thus injecting women’s “emotionality” into the governing of our Nation. 🤔🤷🏽🤔😁
So may bottom cut Jack-o-Lanterns march in time with HomeComing Bands and their Drum and Bugle Corps. Be sure Nia gets a chance to feel the drumbeats in her core, the heartbeat of so many. 🥁🥁
On second glance, Thalia could be sporting a tail, or in need of some Bean-o for stomach discomfort. 🤣
I tried to fix the shadow so that one day I can send the card to somebody. 😉 I might benefit from some research of sketching & shadowing?
Oy! Computer gremlins are such rascals!
We had snow this morning! The weather is a 'turnin!
Interesting point you raise about women's emotionality. Emotions... I keep coming across the notion that it is quite valuable for us to become aware of our emotional state, to honor it, and recognize all emotions are temporary. (Unless we insist on "being" instead of feeling") There's a difference between I feel sad and I am sad? I feel lonely and I am lonely?
Thank you, Gary, I also saw the shadow as a tail at first. Fortunately the text cleared it all up.
hahahaha! See not to Gary above.
Sometimes my fingers get ahead if my brain. 😉