Scrambled I am today-only present enough to stroll with Izzie. You know what Ben Franklin said, “Late to bed and early to rise, Causes dark circles under your eyes.” And hoping for a more sparkly day tomorrow.
May your week end be graced by flowers. Even if a trip to market is required. All the best. Hug a Muse or two.
A note from LoveLetterist:
Every new beginning...
comes from some other beginning's end.
4th Muses -- Is there something (physical, a skill, a habit -- ???) that you can give new life to?
Scrambled I am today-only present enough to stroll with Izzie. You know what Ben Franklin said, “Late to bed and early to rise, Causes dark circles under your eyes.” And hoping for a more sparkly day tomorrow.
May your week end be graced by flowers. Even if a trip to market is required. All the best. Hug a Muse or two.