Calliope turns off the television. “Everything we need to know… we learn in kindergarten.”
“It appears we’ve forgotten.” Nia scratches the back of her neck.
“Chillll-dren —” Thalia blows chalk dust across the tabletop, “— learn what they live. A-paaaar-ehnt-ly — so do adults.”
Hatred and anger are the greatest poison to the happiness of a good mind.
~ Adam Smith
Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.
~ Heraclitus
To the words "be kind" my immediate appendage was "to yourself". Why was it a necessary add? As only a mind full of itself could ask what is the opposite of kindness? Is it unkindness? Or is it the "absence" of kindness"? Does it make a difference to understand? Prompted by this post I responded to an email from a friend by asking "are you being kind to yourself?" Was the question "kind" ?