Typist’s feet held an equal distance between the freezer and pantry doors.
“Pretzels,” Calliope whispered.
“No,” said Urania.
“Ice cream! Ice cream! We all scream for ice cream!” Thalia trilled.
“Pretzels crunched on top of ice cream!” Tal and Cal’s voices crescendoed and their eyes met in shared anticipation.
“No.” Urania started lacing her shoes. “Whenever there are too many monkeys jumping in Typist’s head, she wants to eat. We’re taking Henny for a walk.”
Words from Typist:
Who’s hungry? 😂
Hmmm… When I have too many thoughts vying for my attention, do I turn to food as an escape?
Busted by the Muse of Determination.
I am in a delicious state of creative overwhelm and recognize I need to Pause, Breathe, Reflect.
Oh! The shifts WE can make when WE are mindful!
T-shirt: "God has a purpose for everyone. It could be that your purpose is to serve as a warning example for others..." 😁
Ben & Jerry still make Chubby Hubby? Pretzels + ice cream?
Wait, why am I asking you? Hold on...
You mean you can do something else? Other than eat? Hmmmm... as I crumble the pretzels on my vanilla ice cream... it’s something to ponder.