Sending you love and all good energies across the ocean Gail. 🤗 ❤️ xx

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Thank you Margaret! Everything went off without a hitch. I feel blessed! 💜 xo

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Thinking of you, Gail!

Grabbing life by the lapel ❤️

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Isn't that a great quote? I love it! And I want to keep grabbing those lapels. 😄

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Hurrah! “Today is the first day of the rest of your life!” (Popular in the ‘60s).

While we have the good sense to have the Muses on our chests, it seems they have your back. Job well done all the way around.

Here’s to a good result with today’s procedure!

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I love what you did there with chest and back! Well done!

I'm feeling so great today. On the home stretch!

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As of this writing, I hope the big "C" is history! We are rooting for you, Gail!!

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Hopefully just a little radiation on the horizon along with immunotherapy until 02/23. I am wonder-filled at the evolution of medicine and care!

Thank you Karen!

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And I am wonder-filled at your positive outlook, Gail. ❤️

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Hoping and praying for everything to go well. You are in all of our thoughts today. Maybe if we all send big hugs we can squish the bad stuff out and leave a way for all the good stuff to get in.

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Thank you Margaret! Love the squishing. 🤗 Squishing you right back. 💜

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Thank you for the "squish". I think we are going to need them. My daughter has some large lumps on the left side of her neck. Her endocrinologist didn't think it felt like scare tissue from having her thyroid removed so he sent her to an ENT surgeon. He didn't think there was to much cause or concern. He put her on antiboitics for a week and did an ultrasound. He epeated the ultrasound and is now sending her for an ultrasound with biopsy. He said there was a little something going on but wasn't sure exactly nd he didn't want to guess. They can't get her in for it until Sept. 12th. So now she is fighting a migraine. Don't know if it is related or if it is from stressing out about the biopsy. It has been about 25 years since her brain cancer was found and her tumor removed and 3 yrs of chemo and radiation . Back then she was fighting a migraine gor about 3 months before diagnosis. Praying this is not the awful big C making a come back.

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Oh Margaret! I am praying right along with you. It is one thing to be ill yourself, quite another to watch somebody you love (especially a child!) go through cancer treatment.

Sending love, light, and health-full wishes.

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Group hug! 🤗

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Prayers and warm wishes today, Gail. You're on your way to the rest of your life and I'm so happy for you for this. XOXO

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Yahoo! Me too. The further I have gotten from diagnosis, the more I have been able to see c as a teacher and a gift. We grow through our challenges.


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I hope that all went well with your surgery Gail. Much love and prayers to you.

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Thank you Pennie! Doing great and so grateful for the support of this community. 💜❤️💚

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Button: “Invertebrate punster: spinelessly unable to resist a pun! (so slug me)” 😁

{*{*{*hugs*}*}*} & 💚💚💚 dear lady! Look forward to reading about it all later!

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Slug me! 😂

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“An apropos quote from Maya Angelou was in my mailbox this morning…” -Typist

“Life loves to be taken by the lapel and told: “I’m with you kid. Let’s go.” -Angelou

“We’re with you and the girls kid! Let’s Go!”

-The Musettes, AKA your subscriber family


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I've always liked a quote from an unknown source -- "The Universe rewards action." I like Maya's quote even more because of the visual she offers.

Indeed! "Let's go -- together!"

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