A note from LoveLetterist:

When I saw Ordinary Heroes on Tuesday, I noticed Hillary Swank's long slender fingers.

The observation reminded me of a comment I heard in childhood, "You have such long fingers. You should play the piano."

I never learned anything beyond Chopsticks.

Doesn't mean that I can't learn now... if I want to.

Jay Armstrong is in the newspaper!


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Thanks for sharing the story about Jay from the Bucks County paper. On long, slender fingers, I’m the opposite. Playing a B-flat clarinet for 8 years in public school has left me with a twist at the last joint of both index fingers. The notes still came out straight. 🤭

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My sister played a clarinet, too.

My computer keyboard is acting up. My excessive use of ellipsis has the period key on strike. 😱 It only works if I slow down and touch it with gentleness. 🤔

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I like that the Universe reminds us to examine our ways. Perhaps Tal, in her energetic ways, has been generating eraser crumbs that unwittingly get blown away. Onto the keyboard. Perhaps your vacuum, with a soft dusting attachment (tell me Henny hasn’t mistaken it for a bunny 😳), and vacuum off what you can. The “canned air” is a not so suitable measure as the crumbs just end up deeper in the inner workings. Turning the laptop upside down and a few gentle bumps while still using the vacuum can capture a bit more. Perhaps humming this Simon and Garfunkel lyric while typing would help: Slow down, You move too fast, You got to make the morning last! Just tripping down the cobblestones, Looking for fun and feeling groovy! Even if that doesn’t free up the period key, you’ll feel groovy. 😊

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Thank you for the tips!

Let us see what we can do.


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Will you make room in the house for a piano? Keyboard? Will you use all your keys?

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Hmmm... This week's switch to handwritten love letters feels like enough of a new chord. Piano? Maybe another day? 😁

On my Christmas list as a kid I often had HORSE and PIANO.

I never received either. Too big for Santa to deliver?

In my mid forties I took horseback riding lessons for several years. It scratched that itch. :)

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This is so funny! I heard the same exact thing! LOL

Thank you for sharing Jay's article. Can't wait to read it. :)

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I don't feel much energy behind learning how to play the piano at this time in my life. Maybe someday!

Funny how you heard the same thing. Maybe that's something from our parent's generation? They wanted kids to play the piano? 🤷🏻‍♀️😁

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I wonder the same! (generational) LOL. I played a little as a child but then choose the flute and played up until I graduated high school. I don't play anything now. I have the desire to learn the guitar.

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I like today’s post a lot. The double entendre of “range” covers both the “range” of sounds eighty-eight keys can produce on a piano as well as the “range” of opportunities of which our lives are capable.

You might consider less than 88 keys. I bought a very basic Casio keyboard for my son 30 ya. His interest faded, and I was intrigued by its capabilities. Perhaps you could tickle the ivories as the Muses mingle their voices!

I wish you an ever so fine day today. Maybe even a peak through a pawn shop window. Who knows? 🎶🎹😁

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Ha! I’d have to go into Milwaukee to find a pawn shop I think. 🤔

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