You know I love Kermit and his rendition of Rainbow Connection! I also love to dream BIG. Even if I never act my dreams and give them a go, I love to visualize amazing things. I believe visualization is daydreaming for adults. I love to daydream! It brings me such joy. When a daydream comes true, that is delicious.

P.S.- Love your Kermit and rainbow. It made me smile.

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Thanks for your thought provoking comment Billie!

In one conversation regarding “What would you try if there was nothing to be afraid of?”, a friend and I talked about “not knowing”. We both agreed yoga is something we tried that exceeded our expectations and continues to energize us.

When I started writing and posting stories at 100 Naked Words, how much I enjoyed the act came as a surprise!

Thinking of Kurt Vonnegut again. He tells a story about meeting a man at an archaeological dig who tells him the secret of life lies in trying and enjoying. Whether or not you’re any good at them is secondary. KV said the conversation changed his life!

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I didn't know Kermit wrote a book. (Is it a book?) I'll have to check that out. How was it going to the movies, Gail? Was it crowded? I'm pining for a good movie, and maybe I'll just have to go by myself.

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This looks like a great children's book. Or is it for adults?

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I’m not sure… but I suspect it contains wisdom for anyone!

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T-shirt: “In my next life, I want to be the Karma Fairy.” 😁

As soon as I saw your title, Gail, I started looking for the frog!

Inspired by you, I drew a flower on Deb’s lunch bag. (She volunteers at our church’s office some weeks, so I make lunches for her.) I had a very strong desire to write “this is a flower” next to it in pencil, but no, I held back and let the flower speak for itself. 🫤

Although in my mind I can hear the church secretary going, “My! That’s a very pretty… um, design. Did your grandniece do that for you?” 😐

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I'm so glad you held back and let the flower speak for itself. 🤗

I'm with Kermit and Mr. Rogers... Listen to the encouragers. Find the helpers.

If you enjoyed creating a surprise for Deb, that's what matters.

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“Drawist is comfortable with imperfection. Growing out loud, messy and unskilled, invites others to do the same.”

Reminds me of “Our Deepest Fear” by Marianne Williamson…

“…And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same…”

I know that “please pass the ketchup look…” 🙄

Maybe that’s why I consider myself one of the world’s greatest cheerleader’s! 📣

I’m also living proof that it’s never too late to embrace your inner-Artist! ✍🏼🎨✍🏼

Link below is the TEDx that changed everything!



❤️ 🌈 🐸

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And let me make it abundantly clear…


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