No waffles here today, but sausage, scrambled eggs, and crispy toast wasn’t too bad. 😬
The song by George Strait was delightful. Before this reply to today’s love letter I watched the video then shared it with my son. Thanks for the prompt to do so!
Always good to get down to basics ... breakfast and inspiring music and loving our children. Of any age.
“Henny-hair-sucker” aka “Dyson” aka “Hoover.”
Or, we can go for the short version: H-H-S! (Not to be confused with Health and Human Services for sure...
Although, HHS does promote the health and well-being of its beneficiaries, as does the “Henny-hair-sucker!”
We installed a built in home vacuum system while our house was being constructed. One of my greatest decisions ever!!!
And… I’m an HHS alum! Ten years of service what feels like an entire lifetime ago.
No waffles here today, but sausage, scrambled eggs, and crispy toast wasn’t too bad. 😬
The song by George Strait was delightful. Before this reply to today’s love letter I watched the video then shared it with my son. Thanks for the prompt to do so!
Always good to get down to basics ... breakfast and inspiring music and loving our children. Of any age.
Happy day!