I believe in the creator’s world, artists and writers (vs inventors of machines and devices) that imagination is of vital importance. Might an inventor rely on imagination. Yes, original ideas and other steps in the progress of the invention. Might an artist ever need facts? Yes, on material properties (what canvas works best with water colors). Or, “I wish they made oil-pastel pens.” 🙃 For the artist, facts are a means to an end. The inventor? Nearly a 50/50 split I’d suggest.
Oh! I wonder what I could do with oil pastel pens! I’m not a fan of oil pastels in general… the chalk ones I like, but my color selection is limited by the package I purchased.
Excited by the idea of a project (yet to be chosen) that will follow Poise. I like the idea of having a next project on tap!
“Don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy,”
Jackson Browne
Imagination is more important than facts?
I believe in the creator’s world, artists and writers (vs inventors of machines and devices) that imagination is of vital importance. Might an inventor rely on imagination. Yes, original ideas and other steps in the progress of the invention. Might an artist ever need facts? Yes, on material properties (what canvas works best with water colors). Or, “I wish they made oil-pastel pens.” 🙃 For the artist, facts are a means to an end. The inventor? Nearly a 50/50 split I’d suggest.
Oh! I wonder what I could do with oil pastel pens! I’m not a fan of oil pastels in general… the chalk ones I like, but my color selection is limited by the package I purchased.
Excited by the idea of a project (yet to be chosen) that will follow Poise. I like the idea of having a next project on tap!
I lolly gagging at the Boenning-Muses studio. 😊
It is truly wonderful to know that I can create my own little world(s) any time I want. (I’ve nicked that sentiment from Anais Nin)
Oddly, my “No” beginning the sentence morphed into “I.” 🤨
Happens to me all of the time! Ain’t nothin’ to me! 😁
Not a skill I was hoping to perfect. 🤭
I’ve adopted my propensity for typos as a lovable fault. 😁