Rhubarb crisp is on my game plan for today as well as rhubarb sauce. I have to use keto ingredients but they should still be good. I planted lantana once down here about 25 yrs ago and it has invaded the property. I still love the blossoms on them though. I don't need to water anything because we've had horrible storms move through here the last few days. Hope you weekend continues to be wonderful. My husband was a soldier for many many years so the kids and I learned very early on to drink lots of water and stop for a 10-15 min break every hour we worked outside in this Louisiana heat. When he retired from the army he went to work at a locsl high school teaching JROTC. He kept cases of water in their classroom for the kids. He followed the army way there too. "Drink water-move on." Anytime someone said they didn't feel good they got water handed to them. So sunscreen, brimmed hat, have a chair near by, lots of breaks, lots of water and enjoy your beautiful plants. That's my prescription for you for this weekend. Enjoy!!

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Look forward to hearing how your creations turn out Margaret!

I think I’ve eaten 1/2 watermelon by myself this morning —good hydration!

Here lantana is an annual. I haven’t purchased one in a few years. Curious to see how it dies in my pot.

Happy Saturday!

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May 14, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Happy birthday, belated or otherwise, Gail! What thoughtful gifts in so many ways. BTW- I received your lobster drawing. Thank you! When I get my creative juices flowing, I'll figure out something fun and hopefully clever to share.

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Thanks Karen! I imagine your creative juices flowing — just not in the land of lobsters. 🦞 Now my thoughts returned to Leon — the rescued grocery store lobster that started our lobster fun. 😂

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Oh yes- Leon! Thanks for the reminder.

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May 14, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Gail, You know me and my Googly ways. If I see a strange word I’m likely to search it. Now I know, as the Potawatomi Indians so named it, Henny and you visited the “Land of the Bear” this morning. Glad everyone made it home safely! 🙃 CURE!

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Ha! There are bear statues all over town and some of the businesses use “bear” in their name. Just yesterday I saw new widow signage for “Bear Nutrition”. Hmmm… trout, nuts, and berries?

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I think Pooh would be sad you didn’t mention Honey!

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That’s right! Honey, too. 🍯

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May 15, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Now that’s a snack bar idea!

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May 14, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I knew I could depend on you for the recipe to pop up! And I’m delighted to hear you making good on your week end prognosis of what would result from the “No infusion” on Thursday. I once planted some lantana called “Atomic Fireball.” Like 4th of July fireworks. What a nice gathering, the birthday celebration. Immersed in love.

Remember Tiny Tim? “Tiptoe through the tulips.” I hope you had a chance to before they retreated toward next spring! Very Happy Saturday! CURE!

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My mother-in-law’s handwriting. :)

I have a few tulips hanging on despite the heat. Tomorrow we go back to “normal” with highs in the upper 60s.

Glad my pots are all planted well before Memorial Day. 😊

Do you plant annuals in Florida?

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May 14, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Colder weather brings Pansies. Warmer, but usually in full to partial shade, finds an array. New Guinea Impatiens. There are sunny annuals but our full shade yard doesn’t accommodate them. Our straggler lantana was from the previous owner, and now cranes it’s blossoms toward the open sky above our street.

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May 14, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge


Or just say, Never mind, the place is what it is! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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“Here lantana is an annual. I haven’t purchased one in a few years. Curious to see how it dies in my pot.” -Typist

Well that seems like a pessimistic attitude…



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This is the best laugh I’ve had all day!

I think the muses should consider looking for a Typist who makes less typos. 😂

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I couldn’t help myself… All the T-Shirt and Doormat humor is rubbing off on me! 😉

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Happy belated birthday Gail. I hope that your day was blessed with many things.

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It was wonderful!

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Also wondering about this one… Hmmm 🤔

“Just yesterday I saw new widow signage for “Bear Nutrition”.”

Does this mean the wife fed her husband to the bears and is now in business helping other wives? 😂🤣😂

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