A note from LoveLetterist:

For a couple of weeks now I have been eating apples and pears straight from the tree. Henny digs it because that means she gets more walks around the yard. She doesn't complain about chunks I bite off and hand her, either.

Right when I need it the most, a love letter of another flavor popped into my inbox. Today Alexandra Cooks sent me 10 apple recipes. You might want to try them, too? I'm most curious to try the tart because the presentation is so beautiful.


(Nia understands why there is not a purple apple emoji. Thalia will paint her one!)


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Beautiful presentation indeed! On the subject of eating apples from the tree, lists of foods toxic to dogs always mention “apples.” In reality it’s the seeds that are the problem. Cyanide found in seeds is the culprit! So I wonder if deer are cyanide tolerant? Or do they spit out the seeds? 🙃

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I’d never heard that about apples.

Hen has only had small bits of skin and flesh and seems none the worse for it.

Interesting question about deer. Seems to me they eat the entire apple. 🤷‍♀️

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The cyanide content remains in the seeds and isn’t in the flesh. Iz loves apples but she gets no seeds. 🙃

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Skillful avoidance of rabbit holes today☑️

Learning of an author I’d never heard of☑️

Poetry of the Muses☑️

Sounds like a rousing success to me!


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ADULT ME: What do think of pear pieces in fruit cocktail?

4YO ME: What?

AM: The pieces of pear that fruit cocktail. What do you think of them?

4M: (with full contempt as befits a dumb question) There are NO PIECES OF PEAR in fruit cocktail!

AM: (pointing) Then what’s this?

4M: A white piece of fruit cocktail! DUH!

AM: (pointing to peach piece) This?

4M: A YELLOW piece of fruit cocktail! HELLO!

AM: Okay, what about—

4M: If it’s supposed to be PEAR, WHY DOESN’T IT TASTE LIKE PEAR? HUH?!

AM: (tasting a pear piece that has been sitting in high-sugar juice for months) Kid has a point!

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The Marischino cherry pieces were a total mystery! Never heard the name mentioned! (At least pear was a thing) Between the sugar and a very unusual flavor I ate them anyway for the weirdness of the experience. Pear pieces? A bridge too far.

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I LOVED Maraschino cherries in fruit cocktail! It was my main reason for eating it. (See also: Shirley Temple drinks. And sundaes. Okay, sundaes had other good qualities.)

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There were only 3-4 pieces per can (?) and if you got it on your plate you were a lucky one indeed!

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My grandfather asked me if I liked pears, and I said yes, so he reached up into his tree and pulled down this thing. It had skin and no syrup, did not come out of a can, and was obviously NOT a pear! (I was about four, I think. But I knew my way around food!)

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Ha! Thank you for sharing that with us Jack! I had a similar experience with a peach. My neighborhood friend gave me a “real” fuzzy 🍑 and I loved it. My family had never bought them.

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Is there even another kind? 🤔

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Sooo... As a youngster what was your take on the pear pieces in canned fruit cocktail? Family rule was to not leave the table until we had eaten our entire meal, fruit cocktail included! I sulked in solitude for long periods of time...

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I love fruit cocktail… especially when it was mixed with cool whip. That was standard party fare and considered healthy.

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