“Last weeeeee-kend’s snow is gone!” Thalia brushes mulch from her knees. “Today we snap shots of croooo-cus!”
“Not all signs are comprised of words.” Nia admires their painting. “Mother Nature inspires. We try to keep up.”
“This five man electrical band’s song? It seems to have a problem with signs…” Calliope pulls air buds from her ears. “Interesting, huh? I like all signs… they help us to find… our way.”
To be a Flower, is profound
~ Emily Dickinson
Typist and the muses started watching The Big Door Prize on Apple TV last night. The show is intriguing and witty!
Simply said... a machine shows up in the town's general store and it spits out cards telling people what their potential is! Hmmmm.
There was a time when I would have been all over that machine -- wanting somebody/something outside of myself to tell me what to do! I wanted the "easy" button.
Here's what I've learned -- LIFE does not work that way. 😂 LIFE is constantly giving us signs and dropping breadcrumbs for our growth and happiness. The thing is, we often miss -- or flat out ignore them.
What happens when we look and listen?
What is your life telling you?
Wow! Our crocus are GONE! Even our snow crocus (which came up AFTER our regular crocus this spring, possibly because there was almost no snow and they needed a prompt) are gone. And some of our daffodils and mini-daffs are starting to droop, and our first hyacinths are past peak. But the flowers that hit peak last week are still strong!
Now if the deer would stop nibbling the rose bushes... 😠