T-shirt: “My anesthesiologist told me I could be rendered unconscious with gas or whacked with a paddle. It was a classic ether/oar situation.” 😁

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I’ll take the ether please!

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A-ha! The Hunter S. Thompson type. See “Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.” A wild tale incorporating more than a little ether, as the title suggests. 😉

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If I’m having surgery I’d rather not be knocked unconscious with an oar.

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As life has progressed for me, I’ve become more comfortable discovering my own contradictions.

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Grrrr... yet another errant send.

Contradictions between who I thought I was versus discovering ways that I actually am! Irreconcilable? Not always. Requires work? You betcha!

A different contradiction exists when I felt certain of life’s plans, then abruptly learned I wasn’t. (The bunny ears brought one to mind) Around the age of 6 or 7 my brother and I hoped for a bunny at Easter time. Maybe we had heard the Disney song: “Here comes Peter Cottontail; Hopping down the bunny trail; Hippity-hoppity Easter’s on its way.”

And so it was! Two baby bunnies on Easter morning. Visions of soft, cuddly ever afters took root in my brain. The contradiction? This was a male/female pair and we would soon be in the bunny business. To eat! We were eventually let in on this grim secret and before long we were a part of “bunnies in the freezer” processing... Maximum cognitive dissonance.

Back to today’s post. Question: Had Nia always dreamed of seeing a flamingo wink, or a wink flamingo? 🤔 These birds bring to mind the time Beth was receiving cancer treatment @ Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa. In the winter months Sandhill Cranes from Bloggerist’s neck of the woods were a treat. Pink Flamingos which we saw in a Tampa Aviary were a surprise as well. The size of the cranes was a delightful surprise. Creatures from another world?! A contradiction? No, a delight as well.

May your day offer up Sand Hill surprises and not the first bunny bummer! 🙏🏽

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Like last February when I was ready for the muses to fly and instead I received a cancer diagnosis?🤔

All good. I’ll just keep working on learning and growing until the final curtain.

Live frugally on surprise!

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Or richly on surprise? Of course the last February surprise should have had an “I pass” option. 🤔

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