Links from Loveletterist:

This morning in The Mind of Curiosity on Clubhouse we talked about resilience. Elaine and I invite you to listen to the replay. We'd love to have you join us live next Wednesday! I'm going to do my best to remember to post the invitation here next Tuesday. 😉


And... my response to this gift from Bobby Kountz was a mix of happy tears, laughter, excitement and Godbumps.

Please listen to Bobby's story Unamused... and share with others where you see fit.


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Way-To-Go Gail!

Way-To-Go Bobby!

Today, I’m operating under the influence of some wise folks, Elaine included with the others who showed up for Curiosity Crew, and here, Gail, with Bobby’s tribute!

I can see clearly now...

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The Cabin Crew… including Elaine, Bobby, me, and 6 others (Sharon, Karen, Billie, Chris, Jean, Amy) is unlike any other group I have been part of. I believe the Law of Attraction might have played a role in bringing us together. 😊

What a gift from the EarthHeARTist! 🙏🏻

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Bobby’s assembly of facts was delightful!

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“One thing leads to another!” (The Fixx, 1982) While I was tickled to see the LED bulbs in your artwork, I was equally pleased to recall the evolution of style and substance on your creative journey. A privilege.

My experience of your headlong dive into creativity reminds me of Chaucer’s verse, “Time and tide wait for no man (person).” You’re approaching cheetah speeds! In a delightful way. Fearless. Adventurous. Joyous. And with occasional giggles. 🤭

A bit of clarification: “Calliope’s frame curls in...” Skeletal frame? Arms akimbo? Whether my mind or my body, today I identify with Cal! “The two of you... are taking us somewhere new again?” Indeed! Could we just go for a tromp at Vernon Marsh the next cool morning?😉 Henny voted yes.

One final detail: the light bulbs are about to go Super Nova! I’d keep my distance... 500,000,000,000 light years at least! 🙀

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Wondering how I missed the memo on “You are a creative being” for forty-odd years?

No regrets though. We’re working it now… making up for lost time.

Feeling inspired to learn some video techniques to bring in more fun. I’d like a tutorial from the fisherman, but he’s… fishing! Big tournament this weekend.

Yes! Skeletal frame. Fetal position. Protecting her big heart.

Henny got stung by a bee on the trail today. She hopped on 3 legs for awhile. I wish she’d cooperate/participate with video 101. She’d add a dash of spice. Unfortunately, she’s a big no thank you.

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Developing your creativity reminds me that performing chemistry experiments and not being in the chem lab is like lifting oneself up by their bootstraps. I’d easily imagine that the shock of your mother’s death at such a young age, and the feeling of victimization, may have rendered opportunities to be creative as “What’s the use” occurrences. 🤷🏽

“Cheetah Speed” = “We’re working it now... making up for lost time.”

Poor Henrietta! “When the dog bites, When the bee stings, When I’m feeling sad.” Izzie startles very easily. If she steps on the end of a stick, making the other end pop up, she jumps back fast! I can’t imagine her reaction to a bee sting!

Since you and the Muses are operating at cheetah speed, I’ll predict that the video skills you seek to develop will be operative in a flash! 😎

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Hmmm… I might have shifted into survival mode? For many years I have been able to see the good that come from that — independence, finding my own way, free reign of the kitchen!

Figuring out how to pull clips together is at the top of my list. The Zoom clips feature made that easy. I could simply use “pause”. I’m investigating…

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I never had any doubt that you wouldn’t solve the process. I’m sure you’ve read that saying “I can’t do this or that” is a self fulfilling prophecy. Instead, saying “I don’t know how to do that yet” or “I’ve never tried that!” leaves the door open for the learning later. 😊

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Creating the Google slides gallery of Poise artwork felt so empowering. To start with , "I have no idea how to do this!" and arrive at an acceptable product was 🤯. Like Daphne Willis sings... We like the way it feels when we earn it. SO TRUE!!!

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Under a slight sense of “You better listen up” of course I did! A bouncy little number that! 😁

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