Karen, I can say nothing short of “Bravo” for your inspired performance as a friend of Leon! Here’s the honest truth: I would have been inhibited, if not paralyzed, by self consciousness, a fear of looking “goofy,” and moreover having not a single clue how to move in a way suggestive of a lobster. By that I mean developing an interpretive sense of what actions, yours, would be met with recognition by your viewers.

And you nailed it! And to me you seemed to be enjoying yourself in the process. Delightful. Whenever I use “inspire” or forms thereof, I recall to myself that one original meaning is “the spirit within.” While originally used as a religious reference, inspire has also come to reference “filling someone with an urge to do something creative.” It seems Keon had exactly that effect! 😁

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What a brilliant recognition of Karen’s effort and creativity!

Thank you Gary… so well said. 🙏🏻

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This is beautiful Gary. I truly did have the spirit within me filing me with the urge to do something creative. If I was trying to be serious, I would be worried about appearing silly/uninformed/unprofessional/boring, etc. But when my goofy side comes out, the zanier, the better. (Full disclosure: the Youtube video can only be seen by those who have the link, and only the 3MM community has the link. I do have SOME limits!) And I doubt lobsters move quite the way I did, but if you don't tell them, I won't either.

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An excellent reminder to keep an attitude of fun and play!

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Oops! Leon...

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I though that was an intentional blend of Karen+Leon!!!

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I wish I could claim that. Typo.

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Keon has a certain ring to it. 🤣

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What joy all the way around! Especially on the umpteenth rainy day in succession in our corner of the world. I almost feel guilty that other areas of our nation - the world - are so parched.

Ballet Al fresco sounds delightful and I’ll be rooting for dry conditions tonight. I hope we’ll receive a report on the ballet in the near future. Another flavor of creativists.

So, Nia, ever planful, has her umbrella to take. Tal her point shoes? And Cal, ready to digest the program and eagerly share key points of the event I’ll bet. What fun for all.

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Ah yes! Another flavor of creativists. I will be watching closely as the dancers share their art! 🩰

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Shall we expect a ballet performance from you in the future, Gail? If I can do a lobster, you can do ballet, I'm sure.

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OMG… As I was spectator-ing…. I wondered: Could I do that? 😂

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Sure you could!

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T-shirt: “A fun thing to do in the morning is NOT TALK TO ME” 😁

Karen, awesome performance! I watched and thought, “Wait, is that... our Karen?” 👏

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Right? Can you believe we've all been writing/commenting friends for over five years. I have immense gratitude for Medium -- making it possible for us to meet.

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