T-shirt: “My vacation last year was to Puerto Backyarda” 😁

Love your Kitty drawing!

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Puerto Backyarda 🤩

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Mini fireworks in your body doesn't sound like fun. I hope they are doing some dazzling, beautiful, awe-inspiring work inside you. But then, nothing compares to a good cup of joe. I hope that quest is equally successful!

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C and I have definitely moved beyond the honeymoon.

I am enjoying a frothy, creamy, hot, delicious latte. I’ve never had one before. Yum!

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So the silver percolator has its limits? You, on the other hand, are limitless. Not like the movie by that name...

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🤔 The percolator does not make lattes.

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Turn the plug the other way! 🙃😉

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I love fireworks! 🎆 🎇 🎆 In all sincerity, this is GREAT news! Just think 🤔 Bone Broth! As long as they remain fireworks and don’t become pain, all is well. Meaty blood is being manufactured at lightning speed, I assure you!

As it relates to coffee ☕️, I’m a pour over guy!

Seattle’s Best #5 Post Alley Blend.

Smokey & Intense

Dark Roast

Smooth Roasted

Midnight in a Cup!

Dance Fever is way better than neutropenic fever, so I hope you enjoy! 😊 💃😊

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Good Morning dear friend! My silver percolator is also alone at home. I went to my Mom’s for the weekend and here I venture out to 7Eleven before heading to the water. The bay is calm not totally still as there is a breeze. The sun is glistening over the water and diamonds appear to be everywhere. As much as I love it up in the Catskill mountains, the sea water will always have this gripping hold on my heart. It is here where I feel absolutely alive. I cannot explain it but the smell of the salt water, the birds chirping around, flying low to catch their breakfast, sounds of boats on the water just feel like magic to me.

Wishing you a hot and creamy cup of Joe, and for your body to calm done so that you can enjoy all of the dancing you will be doing this evening.

No money? The muses have a nerve don’t they? Invisible!

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There is a lake here… beautiful. After I read for a bit I will go capture an image to share.

Your description has invited me… and anybody else who reads your comment… to enjoy the bay with you. 🤗 Thank you.

My experiences with salt water are limited. I’m a fresh water girl! I’m trying to think of my “alive” place. One is the Vernon marsh! Henny and I will make a visit soon. 😊

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Growing up in PA, the only “big water” I saw until I was 22 was Lake Erie. Now, having lived in Florida since 1971, I’ve come to love salt water and all its nuances. My first year here, a small tropical storm came up. Always curious, I drove to the nearby coast for a look. Seagulls hung in the on-shore winds, motionless, like some Salvador Dali painting! My love and fascination has only grown.

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A lovely description of the bay and salt life.

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Your post about the effect salt water has on you brings to mind a lyric by the Little River Band: “Well I was born in the sign of water, And it’s there that I feel my best, The albatross and the whale they are my brothers.”

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I love the kitty! We have three here who get that same look on their faces as they race around playing with their toys and other things they aren't supposed to play with. I don't like coffee at all but I love hot and cold tea. Enjoy your weekend and try not to dwell on all the things going on inside you. Your body will do whatever it can to get the jump on that nasty C. Try to relax and let it. Maybe if we all send you big hugs we can help squish that nasty C right out of you. So here is my big hug for you.

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Thanks for the big hug Margaret! Squish, squish, squish!

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