I’m fortunate in having an eye exam next month! The object in the upper, left corner? Certain that a small rodent face-planted on the paper. Immediately following is Thalia saluting Leonard Cohen’s song “Bird On A Wire.” (Maybe a hiccup in my apperceptive mass.)

All ends well with quotes by Rumi and John Tarrant. 😊

Loveletterist! You cover a lot of ground in your blog-blends. In wonderful fashion. 👏🏼👏🏼

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I can almost always count on you to find meaning in a love letter that completely escaped my own awareness. I just checked out Leonard's song!

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Idle minds perhaps. 😁

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Mine? Or yours? 😂

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Love, love, love the mixed media! The bicycle 🚲 wheels are spectacular! As is the basket 🧺

Quotes, Art, book recommendations, oh my!

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Thanks Bobby! I'm digging the mixed media myself... It's fun to have a new focus while I'm out and about... sticks, stones, grass, dead leaves. 🤔 Hmmmm! How can I repurpose these?

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Cute bike! 😊

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