Jun 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I've may have sent this one before since it is one of my favorite quotes from Michelangelo.

"Trifles make perfection, but perfection is no trifle".

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Hmmm… I’m trying I’m sort Michelangelo’s meaning.🤔 Was he a perfectionist?

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I'm not sure but he supposedly had about 200 people working for him on the Sistine Chapel. So he could have said it!

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I had no idea! I thought he painted the entire thing by himself!

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I have to admit that I was wrong about the number of people he had as assistants as I can only find that he had 13 to help paint the chapel. Some of those he fired. According to my Google search.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I've sometimes wondered what painting the ceiling required regarding his positioning? Sitting down but constantly looking up at his work would, for me, induce neck agony! Lying down with possible paint spatters in his eyes? While working the paints on his pallette? Blood draining from his arms from being overhead for so long? What might you have read concerning this?

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

One theory now believes they were standing on the scaffolds. Hard to believe that one. I would think the assistants were more gofers than anything. Go for this, go for that which meant the Master didn't have to climb up and down as much.

I must have just pulled the 200 number right out of you know where but I sure would like to know where I heard that first.

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Some of the workers were stone masons etc.

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I would love to see one of those blossoms. So beautiful and complicated at the same time.

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Here’s a link to Amazon where they sell seeds. I’m sharing because the page shows a wide range of flower color varieties.

Passionfruit Mix(50+)Seeds Flowers Easy to Grow Planting for Outdoor Indoor Home Bonsai https://a.co/d/7PUluQu

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

I never saw these in NW PA. Here in FL they are native plants. I’ve often happened across them growing in pretty depleted soil conditions, little on the order of grasses but an abundance of briar vines! Their leaves contain cyanide, but it’s bound with other molecules, so not easily harmful to pets. For sheer beauty and complexity they’re hard to match!

Oops! Sorry Margaret, I just saw your use of very similar descriptors for these lovelies.

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Passi-what? I just call it “BEAUTIFUL!” 💐

Kind of like these “Love Letters” AND “This Community!” #Beautiful 🌻😎🌻

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If I saw correctly, you’re in Oregon leaving a trail of natural art?


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Jun 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

A-ha! You’ve thrown down the gauntlet, let the games (thinking) begin! A friend once quipped, “I used to think I was a perfectionist. Later I learned I just wanted to look like one.”

So the challenge posed today is when to say “Enough is enough?” How much yoga practice short of becoming a human pretzel? How much target practice to always score ten out of ten? How many faces and garments for the Muses before I lose sight of what I want to share with my audience?

From this reader, I’d suggest you’ve struck a fine balance between sketching, painting, and making important points.

Hurrah! Keep it up!!

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022Author

I love the vine of trust we share here at 3mm!

Thank you for you appreciation Gary!

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Jun 12, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

T-shirt: “You make me want to be a better person! (But seriously, we all know that’s not happening.)” 😁

Applies more to BFN posts about FF, I guess, but sometimes you get what you can get. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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That saying is on a t-shirt? Did Tom Cruise say that line in Jerry Maguire? Is that where I’ve been stealing it from?

BFN, FF …. Pretty much the same. 😂

Loved your Alaska photos over on Medium. Here’s a link if anybody else wants to see:


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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Jack Nicholson said that exact line to Helen Hunt in “As Good As It Gets.” My own sense of Tom Cruise’s persona is that such words aren’t likely to escape his mouth.

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Ahhh… That’s it. Thanks for sharing Gary!

Cruise said something like, “You complete me.” ???

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

Before Lawton Chiles became Florida’s governor he was a US Senator. His former chief of staff relayed a great exchange between Lawton and some Republican Senators on the committee he chaired. At an impasse, and also lunchtime, he stated: “In the words of a great poet of the late 20th century, ‘You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime you just find you get what you need.’ We’re adjourned for lunch.”

When Lawton campaigned for governor later on, he earned the nickname, “Walkin’ Lawton.” He walked all over the state, from town to town making stump speeches and was reported to have worn out several pairs of shoes! Clearly an act of desperation to achieve recognition before the days of social media. 🙃

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by 3musesmerge

... you just MIGHT find...

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I myself, have been going crazy with my peonies. I finally got 1 to open... between all of the plants I have over 150 buds... you would think that I would be a little more patient but I am not.

Looking for that perfect bud, the perfect bloom- then I cannot cut them because they are so beautiful. The only time I go crazy cutting them is if we are having storms, if I don’t bring them them they will lose all of their petals outside.

When I had the restaurant I would cut every other flower on my property and put them all around. But not the peonies. They are my special flowers. I plant them for me 😁.

It is a picture perfect day up in the Catskills today. I am going out in my garden to enjoy the rest of it.

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My blooming peonies just got drenched in a storm. Not looking so good.

150 buds! Different varieties?

I have common deep pink and light pink. I ordered a bare root variety that promised beautiful yellow blooms on sturdy stems. Alas, they did not make it through winter. 🤷‍♀️

Ha! Can’t always get what you want. 😊

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