Never a doubt in my mind! If this were horseshoes, you’d be throwing ringer after ringer. Full steam ahead!


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Another tour de force masterpiece! The vibrancy of all three Muses was palpable. The sunshine and storm clouds atop Nia’s head resembled your weather forecast!

My sides nearly split watching the alliteration gem. Greg must surely have known this would bring a smile to your face. And gosh! Jack Webb and Johnny Carson must have found the fountain of youth.

You posed a fine point about friendships and human interactions. The “easy” path would be to do nothing, except that seems a way to further the differences in perceptions. Which, taken to extremes, could weaken the ties of friendship. If you chose to use the recent disparity of views as a teaching moment, I feel certain that your human skills would make such an effort non-threatening. You might not be able to “make” your friend shift their view.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” So glad I didn’t skip school today!

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This one has been in my mind’s eye for a week… just needed all of the pieces to come together. Every time that happens, it tickles me beyond words.

Ahhh… yes… as you well know, I’m an I/Thou girl and will do my best when the opportunities present. 😊

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Caveat: Admittedly I dip in and out and don’t read every post.

At some point I dipped in and wondered who these different characters were? I think on that day I guessed that each one that wasn’t the typist (Gail) was a pet - probably dogs. For months and months that understanding has worked for me, I haven’t question it too much and I enjoy everything you write.

Now I wonder if some or all of the muses are people (and actual people)?!


I’m not sure if I *need* to know your truth in order to have my own. If your writing moves me in a way that matters to *me* - does it matter if I don't receive it in exactly the context in which you broadcast it?

How much control over the interpretation can or should we expect to have as writers?

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Oh! Matthew... Thank you for your comment. I kind of like thinking of the muses as dogs! That's something I might play with for fun.

The muses are really shades of Gail. Calliope is Gail the child, people pleaser, seeking harmony at all cost. Urania is Gail the determined, full of pluck and perseverance -- making sure everything gets done. Thalia is Gail in imagination -- seizing wonder and opportunity.

One of the most impactful sentences I ever read came from Lee Thayer in his book Thinking, Being, Doing. He posited that the reader is a co-author of every text they read because they bring their own shades of interpretation to the words. A-ha! So true... for me as a writer and as a reader.

Truth be told, as a writer I am intentionally vague (and perhaps a bit confusing?). I want readers to think and work out their own meaning for that is the greatest gift and opportunity of being alive.

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to think and write about this here Matthew! 💜

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T-shirt: “I sometimes wonder what happened to people who have asked me for directions.” 😁

Oh, not *that* kind of AAA? 🫤

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😁 big grin!!!

Is the stack of lines an emoji? Does it mean something specific?

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On my Apple devices it's a face with straight-line mouth at an angle — apparently that emoji isn't mainstream yet? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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This entire community loves having you here!!! Thank you Jack! 💜♥️💚

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