A note from LoveLetterist:

When Hen and I started our walk, it was dripping.

Then the clouds opened and poured buckets at a time.

Already soaked, we walked the full loop, determined to enjoy the experience.

4th Muses -- How do you engage with rain?

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Serenity here! Scribe and I were reflecting on this idea/question… We remembered an interview…

We love puddles and puddle stomping!


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Thank you for the share Bobby!!!

One of the things I was challenged by when I worked in kindergarten was the many ways in which we had to hold kids back from being kids… like puddle stomping on the playground. The reasoning, which was valid, was that the health room didn’t have enough clothing supplies to get the kids back into dry clothes for the rest of the day. And/or time to deal with it along with the rest of the day’s requirements.

Can this be rethought? Of course. Are we willing to rethink it is an interesting question, too!

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Ah, Poly has a sweet memory to share. At the age of 22, after a fraternity brother’s wedding, one of the guests asked if I wanted to come back to her place for a drink. Cautiously, I agreed. (I know what you may be assuming, tho’ incorrectly)

When we reached her apartment, a warm, gentle late Spring rain was falling. Agreeing that a walk in the rain would be nice, so we did. (I had known Patti for years when she had been the pin-mate of a “brother” that had graduated the previous year. He ditched her like a disposable commodity I’m sad to report)

We found no puddles, but did find each other’s hands. Irving Berlin, I think, wrote “Walking in the rain, Just walking in the rain, What a glorious feeling, I’m happy again.” Our clothes saturated, when we returned to her apartment she offered up a temporary bath robe so she could put my clothes in the wash.

Sharing a bottle of wine, we sat on her sofa and reminisced about past college days and speculated about future plans. Sensing Patti had intentions about that evening I didn’t share, I soon bowed out.

I’d like Nia to know not every rain is cold and unpleasant. Life is best lived in the moment yet often beyond our control. And we can start our day, or night, over at any time. 😊

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The rain this morning was warm! Today is one in which we’re alternating between sun and showers with lots of wind.


Thank you for sharing your memory with us. ☔️❤️

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It's amazing how we grow up and forget to play! Nanny always said that rain makes you beautiful.

Terpsi loves the rain! It brings flowers and life to the earth. Dance in it!

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Thank you Terpsi!

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Hi Sharon, I grew up hearing my grandmother say, April showers bring forth May flowers. Here in north Florida we’re a month earlier for showers and flowers. 😁

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Has the sketch video been created?

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Not even close. 😅

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