Apr 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Love this Gail:

“There is much restraint… and wisdom… in minding one’s own business.”

And also it appears you are tinkering around a personal philosophy in the Typist quote.

Really love that too!

At work today one of the things we are working from is the idea that if you cannot express something simply, you don’t yet understand it well enough.

I wonder how I can pair the idea that truth only exists in the present (and includes the contradiction) with the idea of simplicity and clarity around “understanding.”

Hmmm...thanks for getting me thinking!

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Thank you Bob! Today’s post was in part a response to the conversation thread we shared yesterday.


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You might find great value in the questions this book asks us to answer...

I think it’s one of the best I’ve come across...

Can you explain your idea in 140 characters or less?

Check this out!https://a.co/d/0ylDAi9

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Thanks Bobby!

The book looks interesting for sure!

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“Truth can only be found in the present moment.

To see the contradiction, and act as only you can, with the experience you have accumulated.”


Love this!

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Thank you Bobby! 🙏🏻

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"And the children go to summer camp and then to the un-i-versity". Sometimes it sure does feel that fast.

"There's a pink one and a green one and a blue one and a yellow one. And they're all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same." Well played Malvina, well played.

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It is such a perfect intro song for the show Weeds… which might be where ai first heard it. 🤔

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

So other commenters are praising the thought and philosophy behind the photo and I, of course, am sitting here wondering, "Okay, dog, easy; heart, basic; strawwwwwwwberrrrryyyy? Short pineapple? Upside-down jelly fish? Yes, take a sugar cookie in that shape and smear it with jelly, that would work!"

Probably a strawberry...

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It’s a tulip! 🌷Flower, no stem.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“... and act as only you can, with the experience you have accumulated.” 🙃

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

Ya wanna know what I think about this love letter??


I particularly like the contradiction of Cal humming “little boxes on the hillside” as she stacks cookie cutters. At first suggesting a complement to the notion of “cookie-cutter” houses or boxes, while subtly using three very different shapes and compositions of cutters.

Conformity, be it siding colors or favorite TV shows, often is an element of validation of group membership!

I like your closing emphasis on minding one’s own business and operating from the perspective of one’s own experiences.

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In general, I’ve spent a lifetime holding my opinions close to my chest unless they are asked for.

For a while I thought that made me weak.

Now I see it actually makes me strong.

What greater gift can you give others than the opportunity for their own learning and experience?


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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

This is awesome!

“I’ve spent a lifetime holding my opinions close to my chest unless they are asked for.

For a while I thought that made me weak.

Now I see it actually makes me strong.”

Then you follow that with “...greater gift...their own learning.”

Just wow!

Makes me wonder about strength. And reminds me of “all kinds of kinds.”

I tend to confuse myself. Recently that has shown up around fear : comfort approaches around growth and decisions.

I like your take on this and may do some iterations myself to see if it helps clarify.

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Thanks Bob!

My greatest teacher continues to be my kid!

I’m finding great joy in staying out of his way — encouraging him to embrace living his best life. This seems to hinge on taking the roads less traveled.

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by 3musesmerge

“taking the roads less traveled.”

Great phrase that -- for me at least -- can trigger internal conflicted feelings.

While not a complete “solve” what I have had some fun with is embracing “safety” as a goal, then playing with what safety actually can be.

For example -- plenty say “take the leap” and “take the road less traveled” or “you regret more what you chose not to try than failed attempts.”

For whatever reason I find that a bit off.

However -- if I tell myself -- it’s actually safer to try new things, to explore, to not stand still ... I tend to feel more aligned.

Otherwise it feels a lot like ridiculing the caring side of me that is trying to create comfort, security and abundance for myself and others.

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I love it when our muses get together!!!

I learn and grow — become something more than I’d be alone.

And Cal is appreciative of your thoughts regarding “ridicule of self”. I find I do much better when I build myself up. 👍🏻

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