How many ways can one writer creatively say, "I have nothing to say today?" 😂

I suspect I've surpassed 100.

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I have a thought... Perhaps helpful for future posts... Questions are incredibly powerful!

Aside from the “Quote?”

What can we learn from the history, the life, the wisdom acquired, of the man known as “Jack Dempsey.”



Multiple facets...

Certainly, not “just a boxer.” Not just a “champion.”

Cultural icon, Hall of Fame, Entrepreneur, Writer, Leader of men, etc!

It’s not always what we say... Sometimes, it’s what we ask... 😊

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Wow! Dempsey lived a rich and varied life. 💪🏻 Thanks for the link!

For a while I tried asking questions at 3mm’s conclusion. Something about the practice didn’t feel right to me. I think the questions I was asking felt like “leading” a reader to a specific conclusion. 🤷‍♀️

Ask a better question, get a better answer?

What my hope for my writing is:

The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.

- Alexandra K. Trentor

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“What my hope for my writing is:

The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.

- Alexandra K. Trentor”


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Always seeking. Always learning! 👍

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And all creatively styled.

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I’m bereft of street lingo. When I read “Mary Jane” I immediately thought of Tom Petty’s “Last Dance With Mary Jane.” A bit of a “Wink-wink” title as everyone was certain he was referencing marijuana!

Notwithstanding that ringer from ancient history, what was the Mary Jane? I read your post as a “100 Naked Words” offering. A whole: beginning, middle, end. And effective.

I hope that decision freed you to move on to your very own day! 😁

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Mary Jane shoes!

Ahhh! A delightful lunch gathering in honor of a bride to be was enjoyed fully knowing I’d kept my 3mm love letter promise to myself. :)

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Promises made☑️

Promises kept ☑️


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