Thalia brushes her hands against each other as if removing dirt. “Duuuuh-n and dusted.”
“Cured.” Nia concentrates on drawing a foot with a heel.
“Kicked c to the curb…” Calliope bows, “with a little help from our friends.”
Everything will turn out right, the world is built on that.
~Mikhail Bulgakov
A note from LoveLetterist:
A social media post popped into my awareness.
The author posits that, "Chemo, radiation and surgery have not cured a single cancer in the history of the treatment."
I volleyed back over the net, "I'm confused... In 2022 I was treated by a competent, caring medical team. I had a complete pathologic response to chemo. Surgical results found no remaining cancer cells."
The conversation bounced back and forth a few more times.
He suggests I see a "good integrative physician" who can "track down the cause of my cancer" and eradicate it from my life.
What he doesn't recognize is... I already have.
LOVE this drawing! Bravo Gail. Fairy Godmother with a flashlight...Brilliant.