Shore nuff need to get hold of the insurance company and see what the heck happened!

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Ugh! I'd rather stick a fork in my eye.

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I know how massive those kinds of bills can be! I Shore do.

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“Ugh! I'd rather stick a fork in my eye.”

Here’s an invitation into the “mind” of Mnemo!

BTW, Mnemo is short for Mnemosyne. 😊

Mnemo is the remember of everything. Mnemo is the “Connector of Dots.”

“Fork in my eye” for Mnemo aligns with “You’ll shoot your eye out.” 😱


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"Mom?" Thalia squealed.

"Mom." Urania straightened her posture.

"Mom..." Calliope sighed.

Do you have a leg lamp Bobby?

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Curiouser and curiouser...

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Not any more… 😂🤣😂

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😁 Growing up it was a deadly stick (don’t run with that stick!) that led to “or you’ll poke your eye out!” One summer while picking blackberries with my older brother, boredom led to a rock battle. Concealed in dense growth, seeing the “other” was impossible. 🤷🏽. Then the “other” scored a direct hit on the back of my head!

Bareback owing to summer heat, my torso was covered in blood when I got home! Yep, mom was certain I poked my eye out. Took some persuading to convince her it was only a head wound. 🤪 “What a relief,” she didn’t say.

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Or "don't run with those scissors".

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As if childhood were lived in peril! But I never heard a word about climbing to the top of the very large sugar maple tree in our backyard. Loved to do that on windy days. Or crossing a dammed up river, 40’ deep and about 100 yards across, on a .99 cent float I had repaired myself! I didn’t know how to swim!

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We're so lucky to be alive after our childhoods, aren't we?

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Yes, what you and Gary said!

Potential book?

Scissors AND Sticks


Sticks AND Scissors

Surviving Childhood in the 60’s 😉

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I hope you get to the bottom of it!

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Great story, Gail! It's growth for shore!!

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What didn't kill us made us stronger or so they say. Personally I don't want to be any stronger.

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I’m certain I heard Urania channeling Winston Churchill, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” I wonder why she directed that at me? Why not something warmer and fuzzier?

Oh yes. My left thigh is in great disagreement with all plans requiring mobility. This morning’s first tromp with Izzie was nearly unbearable. Despite urges to sit down and just not walk home (for a while), I kept going.

Thank you Nia. And Winston. 🥴

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Good cop and bad cop rolled into one?!

Grateful for Uhtred and butt-kicking music. 😂


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So many mediums, so little time... As I am not a Spotifino, I hoped I’d get the 30 second teaser at least. Not so. A spinning circle around the || symbol and no sound. 🤷🏽 What will this day reveal? I wonder...

Today’s suggestion for posting opened a view that seeing and experiencing different aspects of my situation was both visible and doable. Grazie.

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"If only I could focus on one thing at a time, I might get something finished," Rose sat back and sighed. "But then again, I will finish these projects as long as long as I keep going and don't give up."

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"Woot! Woot! There's another muse in the house!" Thalia's smile lit up the room. "Hi Rose!"

Thanks for muse-ing with us Pennie. I'm right there with Rose... keep going and don't give up! 💜

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T-shirt: “Deja moo: When you know you’ve experienced this bullsh*t before.” 😁

There were soooo many diverse bills when my late father-in-law was going through the final year of his life. Deb and her mom would spend nights at the dining room table working out which needed direct payment, which needed to be sent to the insurance company, which *HAD* been sent to the insurance company, and which had already been paid and... why had this piece of paper been sent? (About a page and a half of itemized costs, totaled at the end, and showing as paid AT THE END — what, they had to bury the lede?) In the end, there were only a few costs Deb & I had to cover (a retired minister's pension wasn't much, but his healthcare was AWESOME), so Happy Ending. I hope the same falls true for you, Gail! 💚

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I did the work and scrolled though 6 pages of claims and payments. I felt the shame I wrote about over on Born Free Newsletter again. So many dollars spent to save me! I have much to be grateful for.

I do indeed owe the money which I have no problem paying What niggles at me is that I never received a bill... or let's give the benefit of the doubt and say it was lost in the mail... Why didn't I get a follow-up? Oh well. Pay it to the collection agency and forget it is what I'm going to do. :)

I have to say outside of this one time -- the financials have come along like butter melting on a piece of toast... smooth.

Glad to hear Deb's dad received AWESOME care. I feel the same for myself. 💚

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