A note form LoveLetterist:

4th Muses... What makes you unforgettable?

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Oh! Hi, LoveLetterist. Polymnia here. My modesty and poise suggest thinking of myself as “unforgettable” is a step toward arrogance. With my Sentimental Jukebox I’m able to recall bits and pieces of lyrics from artists of long ago. The lyrics are imbued with feelings from events from when I first heard the song. Now, similar feelings result in my recalling the songs and snippets of the lyrics. My friends through the ages often say, “Polymnia! You have a jukebox of songs stored in your heart.” Perhaps the exact same source of my sacred hymns? Always carry a song in your heart!

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Interesting thoughts Poly.

The book I referenced in today’s post — Moonlight Kite — was a baby shower gift. I’ve likely read the book a hundred times. It is a part of me — unforgettable.

I was surprised to pull up the Amazon link this morning and find the book has less than 10 reviews. The author is not a household name… and yet to me, her work is unforgettable.

What if the focus is on the creation(s). 🤔

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Like so much of fame it is beyond the control of the creators. And not always achieved on a level playing field. Early in our running dialog I used to quote Rumi: “Out beyond wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

Do you suppose today that if all creatives knew the location of that field success could be more evenly distributed? Or that more creatives, figuratively, would make that “field” their home?

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Much gratitude for your comments as they are prompting me to think outside of my patterns.

The AJ Croce concert offered a lot to think about. Something he said during his performance led me to believe he is not exactly flush with cash. That had me thinking about his practice, and skills, which are really quite mind blowing. I do not know how many people attended the concert here in Milwaukee … maybe 1000? The next night he was off to Chicago where he would pour 100% plus effort into touching people with his creativity again.

I wouldn’t call him famous.

As I’m pondering, I wonder if it’s not so much the fame (or lack there of) that holds artistic exploration back, but rather… without fame, one simply cannot make a decent living with it? I made more $ in my first year as a claims rep for SSA in 1990 than I have over the last 8 years of writing.

Now… Am I doing it wrong? Maybe. 🤷‍♀️ Like other artists I find it puzzling, and near impossible, to charge for what seems like a gift from God.

I saw a clip the other day in which someone pointed out how we turn to art — music, tv, films, books — and artists to soothe our troubled souls and yet… for some reason we want their creations for free. We’re more apt to pay for something tangible than for art/experience? Maybe that’s just me. 🤭

I’ve not read The Gift by Lewis Hyde. Perhaps I should!

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In present times success as a creative usually requires infrastructure. A manager or agent at a minimum. Oh, yes! Great idea! Can I afford an agent, a really good one? $$. And a writing coach?

I’m remembering your guest writer on OLOL a couple weeks ago. She worked another job - full time? She shared what worked for her and it sounded demanding. “Write every day. Mark when/how long on your planner. Don’t proof as you write. Set dates for publishing your next book.”

I kept muttering “regimented, too regimented” then I switched to “disciplined.” And does her approach guarantee others success? Ahh, don’t think so. But if they utilized her approach diligently would many more “succeed?” Not to a level of statistical significance.

What’s the solution for financial and professional success? Select the best AI for this purpose, then prepare a prayer for forgiveness for all that know you… Starting with your Creator. ☺️

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I’m taking the road less traveled and going down with the ship if need be. 😁

I like paper. I like watercolor. I like using my hands and my brain.

If you can’t be Alexander, be Diogenes.

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Terpsi- I calm everyone around me with my music and dancing. You cannot be sad while you’re dancing on the beach in the moonlight. Or up on a mountain top with the sun warming your soul. I show people how wonderfully special they are. That is what makes me unforgettable.

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And that… is lovely! Thank you Terpsi.

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As a child, LoveLetterist, I mostly harbored warm fuzzy feelings about kites. Experimenting with the length of kite tails to study the effect on kite stability. Then there were box kites! A whole new variant and quite different to fly with control. (Nia’s comment squares with my mindset in past days)

Just imagine my shock in learning about staged competitions in which the goal was to be the last kite flying! Strings for those kites were first wetted then placed in sugar or salt crystals then allowed to dry. Affixing the crystals in place. The string of such a kite was used to cut a competitor’s kite string, sending the vanquished competitor’s kite sailing off into the sky! Waging war with kites seemed unthinkable back then, as it does today. I hope an open field exists nearby. Go fly a kite. 🪁 😊

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It’s windy enough! 😁

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What makes me forgetful?

When my Scribe schedules early morning flights that don’t allow for proper rest, that’s what…

A 5:20 boarding time! What was he thinking?

Clearly, he wasn’t, and judging his decision making skills based on the number of open seats on the flight, like a hundred… I rest my case!

Hmmm? 🤔

Witty humor maybe?

You know, the whole “unforgettable” thing and all…


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