“Remember that Mother’s Day all those years ago,” Calliope wiggled in her chair, “… when Typist sat in a church pew feeling sad? The priest had asked all the mothers to stand up so that he could bless them. Typist wanted more than anything to be a mom, but her only child at the time was an adopted, furry fourleg.”
“And then the following year,” Thalia patted her stomach, “… she got to stand up with the rest of the mums. Did anyone else notice the girl’s face is bigger than the mom’s in today’s painting? Proportion and scale continue to challenge our Paintist.”
“Some things are best not called attention to!” Nia scowled and gave Tal’s arm a gentle pinch. “And sometimes patience, trust, and faith in the unseen leads to joy unexpected.”
A word from Typist:
This morning as I was browsing Mother’s Day quotes, I came across this one from Annie Lennox:
Motherhood was the great equalizer for me; I started to identify with everybody.
What woman hasn’t had the thought of My child will never act like that! only to discover their child will act like that… or worse? Perhaps I was even having that thought in church on the Mother’s Day when I was sad. 😱
Motherhood enticed me to grow blossoms of empathy like sun-drenched tulip bulbs on a February windowsill. I often feel my child has taught me more than I’ve taught him.
Life is funny, isn’t it?
C update:
The great news is that I will not be making up the three infusions I missed.
Adding some super news, I have been approved to receive three bone marrow inspiring shots after every infusion going forward — one on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
If everything goes according to our current plan, I will wrap up Chemo phase 1 on May 19th. 🎉
T-shirt: “I think I may need professional help. A chef, a butler, and a maid should do it.” 😁
>> “Motherhood enticed me to grow blossoms of empathy like sun-drenched tulip bulbs on a February windowsill. I often feel my child has taught me more than I’ve taught him.“ 💚💚💚
When my kids were quite young I learned not to say "my kids would never do that." And they learned in a hurry that mom and dad would not put up with destructive behavior. When my dsughter was about 5 yrs old she watched the big kids using chalk on the sidewalk. She decided to color on the sidewalk with crayons. Because it was on base in Germany it was goverment property. I made her scrub it off. Her brother watched her scrubbing. When she was done I heard him getting a bucket of water. He was about 4 yrs old. He said he had been bad and he needed the bucket to scrub crsyon off. I had him show me what he needed the water for. He had scribbled all over the outdide of the building. I made him leave it so everybody could see how bad he had been. His dad scrubbed it off when he came home that night. They watched so many kids over the years get into serous trouble. They knew better then do something that would get us sent home and their dad sent back to the barricks. The MP's didn't tolerate misbehaving family members. So glad you don't need to make up the treatments. Hope and praying that there are no more obstacles in your way to May 19th. Stomp on that C.