Calliope hummed and swayed to Sunshine on my Shoulders.
Good Day, Sunshine! Thalia twirled and tapped her toes.
Even Urania welcomed a wiggle in her hips. She chair danced to Light in the Sky.
“It’s back! The sun is back!” Tal turned her dial to Twist and Shout.
A word from Typist:
Spring has been slow in its arrival to the Midwest.
Last night at yoga, our teacher tempered her good news of a 14-week-old life growing inside of her with… “I don’t know about all of you, but I find myself challenged with a low mood during these seemingly endless days of gray, clouds, and rain.”
There is little doubt many of us are challenged to create our own sunshine… including me!
This morning Henny woke me at 4:30 am. There was already a hare’s hop of brightness in the east. Instead of going back to bed, I got dressed and we hit the pavement. The bird’s serenade was a little bit John Denver and a lotta Beatles. Their enthusiasm supported WeBanjo3’s Light in the Sky.
I don’t know if it’s because of cloudy feels, fourteen hours in a car, bone-marrow-inspiring shots or… all of the above, but my body is as creaky as a horror movie staircase. When Henny and I got home from our walk, I rolled out my mat and stretched while facing the rising sun. The music channel sent along a song in which a singer purred about the mystery in the trees,
in the trees,
in the trees.
There is a mystery in me,
in me,
in me…
He sang and I wondered...
Sunshine or clouds, hidden or written on the blue sky, is life a mystery to be contemplated with gladness and joy?
Well, it is 80 and sunny here , and yet, inside, I guess I am experiencing the cloudy feels. Thanks for the songs. They lifted my spirits. Here comes the sun...
I love it! I love your play with words. Have a great day.