
A note from LoveLetterist:

I saw a cute meme this morning that showed a wall mounted telephone.

"People had more freedom when telephones still had wires."

It gave me a giggle...

and a reminder.

My pocket computer takes me places and gives me opportunities I'd never have without it.

That said, it's an addictive little nuisance, too.

It is my job to remember that I am...

100% responsible

for the space in my life that I give it.

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Possessing, dare I say clutching, our smart phone computers requires something akin to MM! Tuning up our sensibilities, our focus, and our priorities. Andrew Carnegie may well have agreed. 😁

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Ahhh Carnegie and the direction in which we channel our energies!

I continue to contemplate -- and play with-- how to best employ social media.

Keep experimenting for now.

Turning from 2023 to 2024 seems to have turned on a light in my brain. Now the challenge is in shifting my being and doing. Not easy work, but so worth it!

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From my perspective as you’ve found a good fit with your confidence, intentions, and beliefs, you’ve been adept at analyzing opportunities and pursuing ones that serve you and your goals best. All the best. Always.

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Thank you.

The metaphor I’ve been noodling since yesterday is that of a ladder. My current project with Jay is being informed by all that came before it. How cool is that?!

My own life experience has taught me the value of reading and writing. I’d say that is where my passion lies. 😁

Let us see what happens!

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Any rules precluding two rungs at a time? 😉

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I don't think so!

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Today’s drawing provoked thoughts of how cartoon characters take shape over time. Charlie Brown, Mickey Mouse, and the like. That characteristic “look,” not unlike an avatar, says a lot without a single word spoken. I feel certain you have no intention of rendering any of the Muses in a particular look. Perhaps my reading regularity renders them so. 😊

Also recognizable is the snow laid down on the steps as seen through your window pane. Are your Muses adept at wielding a snow shovel? (Of course I have a notion of who wields that shovel, though it could be the kid...)

The quote from Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance squares up with my sense of Great Spirit. At this moment I’m holding Great Spirit in my left hand!

Thanks as always, Gail, for jump starting my brain today! 🙏🏽

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I did not set out with any intention of the muses appearing in today's drawing and yet... there young Tal and Nia stand connected through a green Calliope stem!

The little treats experienced by an artist are such a delight!

(and I believe we are all artists... some just don't know it yet)

We're supposed to get less than an inch. It's pretty though! And this morning's patrol on snow-covered streets felt... nice.

I read ZatAoMM a while back. It was an impactful read for me. Today I used the computer to search for relatable quotes from the book.

My latest deep-dive exploration is CS Lewis.

His style delights me!

You're welcome.

My pleasure!

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