A Go Pro cam is next, writist-typist-paintist-creator-paddler. Maybe with a little PhotoShopping of the 4K data you can share your flying with us? Or Tal’s?

I struggled in my life with learning new skills, wanting to be an overnight wonder! Practice seemed boring.

So I’m humbled reading your progression, on your maiden voyage, from sitting to kneeling to standing. Progress not perfection! Not PhotoShopped either.

Love it!

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Went again today and felt steadier when standing. Still working on turning — easy while sitting, not so while standing.

I’m also really good at dropping to my knees if a boat creates wavy conditions! 😂

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Loving the “play by play” accounting of your paddle boarding adventures! I’d love to have access to what I imagine are cooler waters (than here) and a paucity of alligators so Izzie could eagerly join in!

My coldest midsummer recreational water adventure was at Lake George, NY, one day after “one small step for man” occurred. A quick pass through Green Falls in Baxter State Park, Maine, was likely colder but not recreational. Hygiene only. Totally unsuited to paddle boarding as well! (A vertical, green, moss-covered surface with water sheeting down the face)

Please keep the reports coming. I get a sense Nia has more or less withdrawn from the paddling! Focused on improving your brush strokes, catching typos, and making the triangles a bit more “refined.” Cal, though, seems happy with the Joy generated by your new sport. Tal’s perhaps a bit envious that she hasn’t spent much time aboard and is less in the spotlight! Patience all around.


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Yikes! Glad that alligators are not a consideration here!

Oh! Nia is there, no doubt. She makes sure the paddle is facing the right (optimal) direction. She reminds us to anchor it under the bungee when changing position... so we don’t lose it! Everywhere we go and everything we do -- together!

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LOV + E = “LOVE!”

Yes, I added the exclamation point!

I am a recovering exclamation pointer…

I used to put several of them together for emphasis!!! Then, an editor told me that’s not how it’s done…

Now, I just do what I want mostly. Punctuation rules are for other people, you know, the ones who like things like AP Format and such.

Instead, I choose whimsy! Whee!!!

That felt good! I haven’t done that for awhile! 😂

Now, the ellipses gets more of my attention…

Until next time… 😉

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Punctuation rules? 😂

As you might have noticed… ellipses are my favorite! Glad you like them, too. 🎉

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Whee! Or Whee… 🎉🕊🎉

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Button: “I LOVE YOU MORE TODAY THAN YESTERDAY! (yesterday you really pissed me off)” 😁

Deb and I sing these words when the song comes on the radio. 😊

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This is a song? 🤔

I can’t imagine you and Deb angry with each other!

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"I Love You More Today Than Yesterday" by Spiral Staircase: https://youtu.be/9cL4-A5-mpA

We don't do angry well (not with each other, anyway), but singing the alternate words to the song makes us laugh. 🤣

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