“Ooooohhh-la-la-laaaaaa!” Tal crooned. “Me liketh the experiment!”
“Liketh?” Urania raised her brows. “Goblet-inspired Shakespeare-speak? Seems ill-suited for the 21st century.”
Cal giggled… “‘Twas a tale of three muses; one enthusiastic free spirit… one earthbound rationalist… and… me.”
Don’t forget Typist — who has a few words — organized into a list:
Yesterday I used a new Substack cross-post feature to share a Weather-Report letter written by my friend Margaret — a relevant share because of her exploration of Peter Block’s book — The Answer to How Is Yes: acting on what matters. Margaret’s share synchronized beautifully with 3mm’s recent reference to that intriguing title. Thank you for being such a curious and engaged reader!
The goblet? I spent a sizable chunk of Saturday cutting images from magazines. My circle of listening-ladies and I are trying something new at our weekly gathering. Two of us, will teach four of us, how to make image cards like these: The Storyteller Oracle Deck (If you click the link and experience sticker shock, please know the cost is shown in Hong Kong currency. 😄)
An idea is tickling me. How I might use similar cards to grow something strong, flexible, and inspiring from my experience with c? The answer is — YES! Now on to the learning and living-to-try.
I reached out to my pal Val at Maple Avenue Apparel. 😞 Despite my mystique-fueled attempts to encourage you to adorn your chest with Cal, Tal, and Nia (and the chests of those you love), sales in the 3mm shop are s-l-o-w. Val needs a minimum of 6 more shirt orders to proceed with production. I’m throwing mystique out the window and TRYING blunt and bossy — ORDER A SHIRT! ORDER A SHIRT! ORDER A SHIRT! 2 days, 13 hours, 22 minutes… tick, tick, tick…
I love all the BIG MAGIC you have flowing through you lately! Excited to learn something new with you and the ladies. Our energy together always makes my day better.
I got my MuseWare on order. Order 2.0!
What a panoply of creativity, as Bobby aptly observed. I thought “chalice” when I saw the goblet. Which is synonymous with chalice. Like Thalia I easily slip into using “English of Olde”. In part I’m sure that’s due to my English major mother who would just burst forth with lines from Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.” Occasional Shakespearean tidbits as well.
I continue to feel much joy as I observe your march toward greater detail, complexity, and composition in your artistic drawings. Does your progress ever amaze you? I hope it does!
You may remember that I bought “The Storyteller Oracle Drck” for Beth’s birthday recently. She was so delighted! Every so often, like reading after dinner, she’ll produce the cards and say (demand) “Pick a card.” She’ll next pick her’s and then read from the included suggested traits that accompany the deck of card. Then we share our own agreement (or disagreement) with the suggestions, with comments of our own on the figure as well as our partner’s general characteristics. FUN!
Me liketh the experiment! (Autocorrect was having none of that “liketh jabber. Nia wins!)