“Such a cutie!” Thalia twitched her imaginary whiskers.
Urania rolled her eyes. “He… she… it growled at us through the glass.”
“False bravado,” said Thalia. “When Typist was walking toward her car, she and fluffy made eye contact — and even though the shop was closed — both gravitated toward the door where Typist gave the feline an opportunity to model her sultry eyes.”
“And then, another yogi heading for her car saw Typist crouching down and came over to see what was going on. ‘Today’s my cat’s birthday,’ she shared. ‘I gave him extra canned food at breakfast.’ Now when Typist meets her friend on the mat again, she can ask about her cat…,” said the Muse of Wit “… stretched to a new point of connection!”
“This little vignette might seem small and trivial to some,” said Calliope, “but every day is filled with moments that can be amazing, if that’s how you choose to see them.”
“Seneca,” Thalia nodded. “It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested.”
“Little connections — are big!” Cal added. “Hey! We’re gaining subscribers. Sending out a great big welcome to all of our new friends. We are grateful you are here!”
(We have no idea if this hashtag business is helping… an experiment. :))
Billy Joel, on a very early (LP) album, sang this: “They say that these are not the best of times. But they’re the only times I’ve ever known.” His view differs from Seneca’s as Seneca focuses on our using time wisely, while Joel implies a rather helpless view of what happens. Later in the same song, he observed, “it’s either sadness or euphoria.”
About hashtags. (Bob Seger sang, “Say I’m old fashioned, say I’m over the hill.”)
My always thought when seeing that symbol is “pound.” Built into my brain by science and engineering classes, I suppose. It also is used to designate an ordinal number. So perhaps my oldsterness should revert to the original symbol for “pound” from which # was derived. Letter “l” followed by “b” with a horizontal line passing through the tops of both letters. That might free up brain space for believing “#” means hashtag!
On Twitter I sometimes see a tweet that lists about a dozen different hashtags that differ subtly but still point to the same thing. A Twitter thesaurus? When I do a Google search, below the line to enter my search, there often appear “trending” hashtags.
Just the same I’m glad you are trying to work the levers of destiny. Certainly not over the hill!
“This little vignette might seem small and trivial to some,” said Calliope, “but every day is filled with moments that can be amazing, if that’s how you choose to see them.”
A great prompt about what we choose to see!
Our brains are a lot like search engines…
If you are searching for Gratitude, you’ll find it!
If you are searching for world problems, you’ll find them. If you are looking for trouble, you’ll find it! If you’re looking for violence, you’ll find it! Don’t believe me? Do a search!
Looking for something amazing? You’ll find it!
In this case, it found me…
I put myself in its path and “it” showed up for me! “It” shows up for me regularly… 🤔