Typist took a sip from her mug. She brimmed with woe-is-me and resisted the muse’s efforts to get her back outside after the morning slide around the neighborhood.
Thalia blasted a favorite song on YouTube and coaxed. “We’ll leave Henny inside… the camera’s all we need.”
Calliope stuffed Typist’s feet into her boots. “I can hear the cardinals singing through the glass. They’re serving up hope.”
Nia fiddled with the purple parka’s zipper. Can you believe… on top of everything else… the purple parka’s zipper is breaking down?! “No worries. I can soothe the first slider over the teeth and fiddle the second slider up so that the elements stay meshed.”
“Please tell me we’re not going to the dentist!” Typist wailed.
“No… no dentist,” Cal patted Typist’s back. “This is the first photo-worthy snow fall of the season. C’mon… Then we’ll write our love letter and get ready to go.”
A word from Typist:
One of the levels on my blood work is elevated. Although it is not alarming, the oncologist feels it deserves further investigation before I start chemotherapy. Today the muses and I get to experience a bone scan and abdominal CT.
“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience that alone would change the world.”
~Sydney Banks
I decided it was time to show up here so I can support the muses and cheer you on, Gail. Hoping today is a walk in the park...a spring day walk with the sun on your face and life blooming around you.
“If the only thing people learned was not to be afraid of their experience that alone would change the world.”
~Sydney Banks
I’m a huge fan of this quote!
Living vicariously through the picture-worthy snowfall images…
Grateful for you and the girls!