Nia added a real plant to today’s photo and whispered to Cal, “Don’t suppose collectors will be replacing their O’Keefe’s with Boenning’s anytime soon.”
“I can heeeeeeeeee-rrrr you!” Thalia amused herself — dropping color into pooling petals, fizzing fringe with a toothpick, and gesticulating with a gel pen. “I’m the joy-of-doing muse! Aren’t you glad you pulled me from the depths?”
Calliope turned JOY’s volume up. “YES!”
Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.
~ Mother Teresa
To Nia: Maybe O’Keefe’s will not be replaced with Boenning’s anytime soon, but she's on her way, don't you think?
Bursting forth into a new day! Is there any other way at Museville, BOENNING, and Henny?? (Siri was convinced “Boenning” needed to be in all caps! Shouting! Miss AI Siri and the Universe are surely conspiring.)
If I may ask, were today’s flowers rendered in oil pastels? Oops! Seeing the Keez Beez brush holder seems to suggest watercolors?
Last I’ll note that the last two days have had elements of cranked up music! Today: “Joy.” Yesterday: Beth and Izzy were compelled to find Dubstep music on Pandora. I was compelled to retire to my office! 🤔
Pace yourselves! It’s not even noon CST! 😁