
A Note from LoveLetterist:

What Mother Nature held back as snow in winter is now being lavished as rain in my neck of the woods.

"Bring it on! " I say.

My paddleboard wants full bodies of water.

Have I mentioned... YOU'RE INVITED!


All Fourth Muses get to play!

C'mon Lovey!

Will you name yourself and...

Start adding to the conversation?

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Oh gotcha! Okay here goes... ( I forgot how to spell her name) Yo!..something. LOL

I'm here and rain makes the puddling jumping appear! GO!GAIL! GO!

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Euterpe. Yoo-tur-pee

When I used to work in kindergarten we were supposed to keep the kids out of the puddles. 🤭

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Thank you! :)

Oh bummer for those kiddos.LOL That must have been hard to keep them from jumping in.

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I beg your indulgence, LoveLetterist. “All Fourth Muses” does not compute. Perhaps the Handbook for being a Muse handler spells that out. 🤷🏽 By my count the new Muses number Four. Julie B., Sharon Marie, Bobby, and myself?! “The Simple shall confound the wise.” And evidently the not so wise… 🤷🏽

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Gary -- Thanks for this opportunity to clarify. :)

Sometimes my mysterious mode of communication leaves others scratching their heads.

Experiment #1 had me asking readers to adopt the voice of Cal, Tal, or Nia.

Silly me!

These characters already have strong personalities.

I recognized a pivot was in order.

Experiment #2 has me asking the 3mm family to each create their own muse -- giving them an ability to take a step or two away from their everyday self. Kind of... an a-muse-atar that can help guide them to become the hero of their own story/life.

I call it the 4th Muse because the hope is that there will be so many players, I won't be able to keep count.

Each Fourth Muse has an opportunity to name themself, to comment on the day's letter from their unique perspective, to perhaps one day have their muse's voice published as part of a love letter collection.

Does this make sense?

Any questions?

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Mystery clarified! Some poet-type wrote: “Grow old with me. The best is yet to be.” 😁

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I like it!

I have built an interesting relationship with song lyrics, prose, and poetry over the last year or so... It's almost like I can see/feel the I/Thou between the artist and THE CREATOR. This awareness feels like a warm, bright light.

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I understand that feeling.

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Cal, Tal, and Nia recognize Terpsichore as a daily guest who is ready to be heard.

Thanks Terpsichore for your presence here AND over at:


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Terpsi is happy with rain as she knows it'll help the flowers grow, and the grass with fill with worms that will feed the feathered friends. It's a win win

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Flowers and worms!

I've been picking up earthworms from the asphalt and putting them back on our lawn the last few weeks. Like the story about the woman throwing starfish back into the ocean. :)

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Serenity just took action on your suggestion and wrote down the title of his next Children’s book! 📚

We say next because the idea for the first book revealed itself with this text message from my daughter:

“Easter bunny put Kanes stuff in Noelle’s basket and vice versa 😳😂 🤦🏻‍♀️”

My Reply:

“What a great opportunity to explain to the kids that even the Easter Bunny makes mistakes!

What a great way to destigmatize the idea of making mistakes.”


We told them he's a jokester lol

But yeah that's a good point


The Wrong Basket

Thanks for giving me the idea for the children's book I've been wanting to write!

The best part is, it gives me about 10 months to write the book

At least the entire rest of this year!

That's great!

Serenity is wildly excited about the idea!


Serenity’s nickname is The Tasmanian Devil! 😂

Gotta go! 🌪️🤩🌪️

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