Just this morning, a friend offered to help me weed while I recover from knee surgery. My first thoughts: I can't accept. It's too generous. How will I repay her kindness? But in the end, I did agree to letting her do a TINY bit of weeding when she comes over. That's growth! And I love the question “What might help you see the work differently?” I am always overwhelmed with yard work, so I'm going to try asking myself that, especially now that the yard is a jungle. I hope you had good news this afternoon, Gail!

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As I waited for the garage door to ascend so that I could drive in -- a luxury, right? -- I looked at our rhododendron and sand cherry plum bushes that are in full glorious bloom right now. I thought to myself, a new owner of this house (beginner's mind), would likely be wowed by the sight -- at least Gail as a new owner would be.

Agreeing to a TINY bit of weeding -- yay! At our old house, our backyard butted up tight to another. Their space in summer had a very jungle/lush look and feel. I admired it!

I did have good news! More on that tomorrow. 😊

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The stuff home runs are made of: eye on the ball (looking for the best life has to offer), a powerful swing (living our best life), and over the scoreboard! (Feeling worthy of, and asking for, help. Just one example.)

Labyrinthine or otherwise, wordist (typing is secondary to the words), demonstrates her conductor’s skills in having the orchestra at perfect pitch and tempo! Cue cheering section.

It’s bold enough to recognize when the help of others may be of benefit. Bolder still to ask. And observing a mischievous twinkle in Donna’s eyes strikes me as you having made a wise choice. I liked how Tal took the bait and ran with it. (I might have her confused with the kid?)

Last, a rhetorical question: without the challenges of dispatching C, what if we already have the choice to make audacious requests?

Good luck today and always. CURE!

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So much to smile about in your comment!

I have this memory of asking to take a candy from our tenant’s candy dish when I was a child. I was scolded mightily for asking… somehow this embarrassed my mother? I think I picked up this strong bend toward not asking in childhood. It has taken me 40 years to learn and apply AAA — awareness, acceptance, action. As my love letter indicates, it’s still a work in progress. 😊

Audacious ask you say? Dear God… Please help me to breeze through the rest of the cancer treatment deemed necessary by my care team so that I can go forward into many years of service to others who might benefit from my stories and soul searching.

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“Audacious ASK!”

Hey there, if you’re listening, and as I understand it, YOU always are… It would be totally awesome if YOU wholeheartedly embraced Typist’s request!

And no pressure, but we’re all counting on YOU!

Just Saying! 😉


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😊 ♥️🤗

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As a child, the “aftermath” of Sunday church sometimes involved going to relatives’ homes for dinner. Before eating? Sit in straight backed chairs against the dining room walls. After eating? Yup. This behavioral instruction was based on the articulated truth: children are to be seen and not heard. Acquiring agency is a long swim against the current in this approach to “child rearing.” To me it seemed more like breaking wild horses...

And may your “ask” be so! CURE!

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At one of my baby showers I received a book titled: Children Learn What they Live. The title pretty much says it all.

No doubt my parents were acting on lessons they’d been handed down from their parents and doing the best with what they understood? I feel so blessed to have had the time and space for introspection, which gave me an opportunity to rewrite some familial scripts.

I wonder if/what revisions the fisherman will make one day? 🤔

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#BrilliantTruth? “What if we already have the choice to make audacious requests?” ~Spangler

“What if?” Is one of my favorite scenario starter QUESTions to ask…

It conjures images of infinite possibilities and potentialities…

“Real Work?” 😊

Yes, me thinks! 😎

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Yes! Real work. 😊

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A seemingly simple shift in how we frame our beliefs can be a game changer. I once read a suggestion to never say, “I can’t.” Rather, try, “I’m not able to do that right now.” Or, “I’ve never done that. I think I’d like to.” “I can’t” casts a long term doubt over our self-talk, and any hope of trying something later on. “I can!”

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I also like for a reframe the phrase: “Up until now.” It puts a stake in the ground and shifts the challenge to past tense!

Example: Up until now I have struggled with X. The X can be any challenge. Acknowledge and redirect.

Up until now I struggled with writing every day. However, with a new commitment and structure in place, I am writing effortlessly for a minimum of 20 minutes every day and I’m loving it!

The great thing is, we can shift our mindset before we actually achieve the outcome! 😎

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And another helpful word is... yet. I'm not able to kick up into a handstand, yet.


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Another one of my favorite words! 😎

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I like that!

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Praying for good news. I forgot you have treatment scheduled for today. I got thrown off track because today we start on the doctor rounds SS requires before they award disability. Today my daughter has to get her hearing checked. Next thursday is a mental exam and that one really has her riled. She had an uncle who actually wore tin foil to keep the government's rays from finding him. He was in an out of the mental hospital all the time. She's afraid SS is going to put her in a one. I won't allow that to happen.

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It’s been 22 years… I worked for SSA from 1990-2000. I took and processed hundreds? Thousands? Of disability claims while I worked there.

The consult/investigative appointments are only to see if an applicant meets the requirements for benefits. Please reassure your daughter that it is not within the scope of whoever she sees to offer recommendations or treatment.

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I have been telling her that they require everybody to go through these appointments. They may ssy she doesn't qualify and if they do we will be okay. I know there are some folks trying to get disability who are trying to cheat the system and they hurt everybody but we will follow the rules. I just wanted to let you know that on the way home from the doctor appointment we stopped at Whole Foods. They had RHUBARB!!! I grabbed a produce bag and loaded it up. Then I got a couple boxes of strawberries. We were floating on a cloud. Going to try and find some keto recipes for them.

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Rhubarb! Enjoy.

Love to you Margaret! Happy Friday. 😊

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All Art is theft! Yay!

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Even though the creativity of making flower beds beautiful again takes a toll on my back, I love gardening.

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Me too... especially pots. There is nothing like a cup of coffee and dead-heading/fussing over my planters on a sunny summer morning!

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T-shirt: “PROCRASTIREADING: the art of reading instead of doing whatever else it is you should be doing” 😁

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Guilty as charged!

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